Thursday, April 11, 2019

Red Bull Quitting the Music Academy has No Wings

Okay, it is pretty easy to tell Red Bull has a terrible habit of putting copious amounts of money and then quitting something later when fit. (You could ask me, the hard boiled Stock Car Fan about that).

But, what is hard is Independent Musicians are denied BOTH a Frontchannel and a Backchannel. And don't even try to get me going on wannabe MCs trying to livestream a Security Camera.

The irresponsibility is riveting and it is something akin to debilitating. And, trying to get anything done shouldn't be a GoFundMe.

It's got to be the Hardest Luck ever and I don't think we have a Central Music Video Clearinghouse. The munchies and the creeps are getting old and not good.

I feel this doesn't hold water at all. Besides getting ripped to no end over wasting Sebastien Vettel's talent and allowing Daniel Riccardo to go to a no name in relative branding, they'd have the MLS Flagship who's incompetence rocks to no end.

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