Wednesday, August 14, 2019

San Jacinto's Revival Has to Revitalize Baytown

I feel like San Jacinto Mall's Revival Has to Revitalize Baytown, which its biggest claim to fame is Houston Raceway Park. I feel like Baytown should redouble their committment to infrastructure and a lot of quality infrastructure people had a Houston or Southeast Texas High School and College Education.

Baytown is not the flashiest, but one of the Hardest Working Suburbs in their Market. I feel it would help the Baytown Community get and keep a High Profile by at least having safe shopping.

I don't necessarily want to droll on and on about stuff that would be the furthest from finished or at home, but, I'd think the locals should have a major say about redevelopment.

I doubt any intangible expectations would be done in 90 Days, but, I am sure resolving to quality and not just getting passed on by would have to be the Educational Mission.

No one wants to see a Joker crowd legitamacy, and no one really likes to see turnover until your tired of changing the letterheads, because the Club should be both Fun and A Privilege at the Same Time.

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