Saturday, November 6, 2021

2 Of America's Most Wanted: Dave Portnoy and Robert Sarver

 I feel that I am in a Tupac True "Me Against the World" Spirit for this Post and I swear Halloween was Last Weekend and it still smokes into Du Quion! I feel that most of us Sports Fans of Any Weight can't stand Dave Portnoy as Dirty Davey is about his Womanizing and Sexual Behavior.

It does me no joy that Barstool costs us Hard Working Hard Core Fans Money, and I'd feel that this has Tentacles in Sports, Gambling, Stock Market and the Financial Market. It is not just Sports, Gambling and all these Irresponsible Punt Bets are allowed to happen, the Stock Market is Really Sick and Not Getting Better and Don't Get Me Started on the Financial Market.

It is a Sex Crime and I do not take Injustices to Women lying down! I can't take it at all! Where are Our Sports Deans of Students to keep us Orderly?

Robert Sarver is the Reason we do not have the Arena Football League! Even though I don't look at inventing something different just to put Fresh Logs on the Fire, but, that America West Arena is the Most Cursed Arena in Sports and that is because Swede Savage's Lone Indy Car Win happened in its Past Life.

There are No Gifts under those trees, and it would be a Bad Bar Fight allowed to go on too long.

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