Monday, November 29, 2021

Is Oklahoma in their Butters Years?

 It is not flattering to call out Oklahoma in South Park Terms, or anyone in general, especially if I've made a Rent-Free Bad Habit of Calling Out Washington DC in South Park Terms. I think Oklahoma is doing the Butters Years greasy and not harmlessly, especially if it is their State's Pride, Joy and Toy, Oklahoma City Thunder included.

The tale is Butters would go after Girls and Women by being Sweet and Charming and in reality, Butters is not sweet and charming. Oklahoma Sooners Football is neither Sweet and or Charming like I'd hear yes Itchy and or Scratchy from Mom in High School.

I don't think this is going to help anything, especially if the grease deters Sooners Heroes that would have been True Life Working Man Heroes to Oklahomans in the Sooner State and Nationally. The grease would make Faculties out of Kansas Jayhawks and enable their St. Louis Run, and instead of Lawrence Phillips Dismissal, you'd have Collars and NDA's like DARVO was everyday normal behavior and the R would have been Racial instead of Reverse.

Mike Gundy won't stick to Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas and Texas A and M going back home later this decade, especially if the greasiness of his deanhood would have been Mad Real and I don't think Farley wants to be Division I's Dean when he can't hold an Alburnett Down when he'd have real National Championships circling the drains in the Calendar!

The grease would push the Target Run before the Target Run was Fashionable, and I don't think it helps the Wild West when Oregon is the Bird Chicken Man, Washington can't pull themselves together, Washington State doesn't have Character, and USC only is going to catch Chip Kelly doing Unethical Stuff and that would be before we'd have a Westwood Dome one of these days.

I don't necessarily want a Different Dog. That different dog will deter the NFL Playoffs and only egg on Buffalo to a Super Bowl Glory and that is not a good image, especially if it is harder to find Standing Buffalo Images because of .O.J. Reasons.

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