Friday, November 19, 2021

A-Rod Cannot Be About the Other Women!

 Alex Rodriguez cannot be about the Other Women! I don't know his Relationship Status, but, the Timberwolves and Minnesota Basketball have to ask for better.

One of his first Pro Baseball Starts was in Cedar Rapids with the Old Veterans Memorial Stadium and that has aged poorly and to tell you the truth, A-Rod and the Other Women go hand in hand like his hand in the Cookie Jar.

If A-Rod grew up in a Blue Collar Neighborhood in the Rust Belt, it would be Horse Dung his decisions. I'd miss the accountability and I'd miss the being called out on decisions.

It is not a happy fact of life Alex Rodriguez and the Other Women go together like Alex Rodriguez and the Steroids and even the Voice Actor that does Bender has 1 Woman in Life and isn't as abrasive as his Bender Character.

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