Saturday, November 6, 2021

Are We Playing the "I Am Not A Crook" Again?

 I feel mad that we are Playing the "I Am Not A Crook" again in Politics. I would not be okay being Out of Money or My Cousin's Kids being Out of School. But, where we are is Lying and Denying instead of Dismissing a #1 Offense, #1 Defense Houston Oilers who can't go deep when it counts.

Hardened Politicos and Politicas would Kick Rocks before they'd hear "Jukebox Hero" for a Presidency, but, we've traded One Woman Problem for Another Woman Problem. It makes me think Long and Hard in Changing Christina Aguliera's "Ain't No Other Man" to "Ain't No Other Woman".

And, I am a Pitbull and not Mr. 305 about Problems With Women. Women and Moms know who is a Problem with Women. I feel that Wives and Moms don't want Strange or Unconfident Men.

I don't want to elect Incompetent Leaders. It drives me nuts that generally the Saved By The Bell Ethic drives me crazier than Duke not Dominating in Sports.

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