Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Dr. Larry Nassar should be a Death Penalty Case

Even though Legal Matters are a drag, even when you feel the case should be guilty or not guilty, but, Dr. Larry Nassar SHOULD be a Death Penalty Case. Even though it is a Sexual Assault Trial or Trials, but, I feel if we are going to crush the patriarchy, at least not dance around the subject.

I feel like if a Man forced so much sex on different women with no consent, that means he'd be eligible for the Death Penalty. But, I feel if it was a low level felon from the street, it would be tough enough to prove without anyone missing or worse.

I am not the most qualified on legal matters, and I don't want to look like a Zach Morris, but, I feel the Women's and Women's Sports Community can't just be stuffed into Lifetime when there are oceans and deeper than oceans of worlds we have already.

I feel even though my opinion is trenched, but, I feel this is more than a little piece of my community/family. And, I get sick of the same people who run wild and the only thing they do is put pot and booze in people's hands for no reason.

It is tough to broach on a Family Blog, but, what good is growing up if we can't grow up? I feel we have nothing but head explosions on why certain people stranded and we can't make enough money for Severance Pensions. I feel just locking up Dr. Nassar would mean he'd be a heavy taxpayer bill for corrections alone and I feel just letting infamous felons decay is a political mess as much as a personal mess.

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