Monday, December 18, 2017

Peace on Earth and Bring Back the San Diego Chargers through True Expansion

I feel maddened, even now with no San Diego Chargers. I feel with the XFL Revival, Vince McMahon would scoop St. Louis, San Antonio and Orlando up from the NFL's reach. Even though we are a long way from everyone doing Christmas or New Year's Things like a Hope Diamond again, but, I feel in my system, going undefeated forever would be more than anything throwaway.

I feel like let's bring back the San Diego Chargers via true expansion. I feel returning the Chargers lore to San Diego County would begin with a lawsuit against the Spanoses. If we are genuinely serious about a Football Revival in Southern California, we'd have to start with their team being there all along back at home.

But, I feel McMahon actually wants to take on both Goodell and Garber. I don't think Vince McMahon is the "Open House" type, but, I feel we would get these things:

1. Teams on my Field of Play.
2. Merchandise at my Stores.
3. More than One Rival League.

In my senses, we'd try to do a 3 Country League (US, Canada,UK) which I feel Mr. McMahon wants to do and I feel he'd include Quebec City, London, Manchester, Shreveport, and Hartford. Granted, I am only speculating, but, I feel the CFL would want Nova Scotia as an actual team and not just another Grey Cup Party.

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