Saturday, March 10, 2018

Can We Talk About Winter Sports Detail (Without Getting Upset?)

I feel like in the Sweet Apatheicness of our Culture, I feel like having to wedge in about talking about Winter Sports Detail, without getting upset? And, to make all matters worse, being denied a Proper Saturday Night Basketball Final in Iowa and being denied a correct Big Ten Sunday Final, leaving the worst Selection Sunday since 1974. (This is not just hysterical, but, Natural Fact instead.)

The arena promoters are lucid and livid and living a perverse make believe so hard world reality seems to creep in. And, matter of NO Alternative Fact, we've done nothing but pump money into School like nothing else seemed to matter.

If nothing else mattered, I feel 2nd and 3rd Shift would smoke the canals foggy. And, while we smoked the canals foggy, I feel we had to make our cash on make believe returns. And, I feel there is even more people who'd need to negotiate details, and the expulsion and penal process.

And, I feel an animousity that having a Children's Story go to the point that we're left with nothing to offer and we have nothing to offer in return. And, scholarships are academic, not athletic and we made the rules and the laws, not just waited on the gold.

And, what is demeaning and demanding is if we command a Marion vs. CR Washington State Tournament Matchup,we command it! And, what is disappointing is in the diminshing returns, is don't deny our customs, even if our elders didn't have anything to say!

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