Thursday, March 8, 2018

The Underacheivement Society of McLaren is not a Laughing Matter

The cartoon of McLaren is really making Formula One bush, and minor league. I am aware we need New York worser, especially with No Englishtown, but, the bushwick behavior of Fernando Alonso goes or Honda goes was very extortionist.

And, what is rude is Fernando Alonso is racing like Scott Speed actually wants to replace him. And this is all because Alonso has done nothing but feel the love since Indianapolis.

And, without Ron Dennis, McLaren has packed the rear in a big way. I feel the one job that Ron Dennis saved McLaren from a demise was RACING. And, what Liberty Media is getting all wrong is a lot of things. I'm okay with racing Atlanta and Charlotte as USGP's as they'd run circles through that Superspeedway.

But, I feel the stateliness has escaped when your married to your job. And, McLaren is trying new and improved ways to underachieve. And, they'd make Toro Rosso look Major League like Richmond was the Bigs and Sacramento wasn't.

And, the fact is you can't really improve off of the 2004 Ferrari and that is a 40 Year Design Lull. Unless we can have Tractor Motors in these Racecars, as we'd lose control of history and the past, I feel Formula One would lose ground to IndyCar.

And, I feel if Scott Speed doesn't work, nor Stoffel Van Doorne, hire East London like all they knew was fast.

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