Saturday, March 3, 2018

Sports In Fantasyland

I feel there is a sense of making up the rules as we go in Sports. And, in Supercross, we have a habit of people claiming people who didn't make their bike/gear famous. Or, trying to claim 100,000 More of ANYTHING just to claim jump established pros.

And, what is backwater to me is too many guys leap onto girls or cling to them. And, while we are in fantasyland, why is it Dario Franchitti wears a Detroit Marquee? And, our president suppresses the better stuff at the port on purpose.

If the Anamosa guy played for Iowa and the Monticello guy played for Northern Iowa, they'd play the Dome and the Pizza Guarantees down left and right. And, for all those contested Oscar Votes, they'd still talk about Harvey Weinstein's Statued Bishop instead?

Matter of fact, we are as a movie public not over snubbing Titanic as rude as we did, and not over snubbing the LGBT Community 500 Years of their Buildings, and 500 Years of the Women's Buildings, all before Social Media blew apart, and how low can we keep going? And, I feel like daring those awards out of hiding and doing real work to earn them instead.

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