Monday, March 5, 2018

The Weirdness Around Brock Lesnar's Supercushy Work Schedule

I am not a WWE or Other Pro Wrestling Fan, let alone Fight Commission, which the lack of communication has allowed Brock Lesnar to have a Supercushy Work Schedule. No, it won't sell T-Shirts and Hats, and no, again, Brock Lesnar will do what Brock Lesnar will do.

I feel the US Anti Doping Agency is holding the line on Brock Lesnar's MMA Return. And, the civic duty of these Fight Commissions smack of the City Council and School Board Consolidating Power like Lincoln Community and Clarence Lowden. And, truth be told, Brock Lesnar's whole career has fit in the pest category.

I wished, too, we didn't pass the trash on andecotes. I think in Vince McMahon's crumbling empire of WWE Wrestling, this smacks of Jeff Jarrett taking his belt to the WCW and ECW to out-Jericho Y2J. We are 19 Years in this Millenium and I feel our one true job was having Ali vs. Tyson or Foreman vs. Tyson, not just delaying damaged goods.

I know the Olympics are not a USA All Day,Every Day show, but, I feel where is Jim McKay to turn the hat when you need him? And, for better or worse, we'd need USA National Sponsors in the Olympic Village, including the McDonald's as a safe harbor better than Chicago. To be frank, I hate to whip more spiels out of yarn, but, I feel having overdue conversations on transferring from 1st Ballot Hall of Famers to 1st Ballot Also Rans like WWE still won't hear the end of Undertaker's Wrestlemania loss and that was 4 Years Ago.

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