Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Texas A and M and Baylor are Riding to the Luxury Tax

 I would not be shocked if Texas A and M and Baylor rode their way to the Luxury Tax. But, I would not be thrilled, either.

I would be less thrilled, especially if Texas A and M paid Good Money for Bad Football and even more enraged that Baylor Coldcrushed Iowa State from a Row of Conference Championships. I'd feel Deion Sanders is not even trying to check these players pasts, especially if North Dakota State is only going to Win More Championships, and Black Education is in Narcolepsy Alert, as in not taking their Job Seriously Enough.

Most people are not going to Stand for the Uncle Stevian Reproach to Strong Arming the Truth, but, having to nose around for More Women is not good. Your not going to get Smart Women if your a Dog like Scooby.

Texas A and M is a not even trying to evade Texas and I'd feel the 2 Division Ethic is there for a Reason. I would feel that Bag is Not Worth the Trouble, and we'd get back to the Annual Sieve of Oklahoma Alumni being in Trouble With the Law and Penn State having to risk life and limb to be a Program.

Openly, most Minorities would fight their Social Diagnosis in terms of Medicine, but, if Medicine and Food Ethics need to be brought up to keep Predators and Womanizers from being Heavily Medicated and Foodies from inundating my Territory, it would be a fight worth winning.

The luxury tax would lead us to the 1st Ever 25 Year Period without a Single Notre Dame or Oklahoma National Championship in History, as Marcus Freeman would angrily be fighting for Notre Dame as his Predecessor Brian Kelly was a Glorified State Senator. The latter only let the Baylor's and Liberty's Rise and Steal and the former would need to Woo Being Closer to Home and Marquette Football being a Program again.

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