Friday, May 6, 2022

The Only Time Boycott is Socially Acceptable is if Someone is In Danger

 I'd feel the Only Time Boycott is Socially Acceptable is if Someone in in Danger. I feel that it does not work where I'd live, if your just mad.

It also does not work when you'd Walk Out of School, which you'd have to have a Mighty Strong Reason to Walk Out of School. That always makes me mad.

You'd have to be a Sociopath to egg some of these things on and I would not even want to get started with Half My Ladies being in Danger like the Early 1970's. 

It doesn't do any good when you'd have to Protest just to Protest, which costs money and costs money as in you having to make money and someone else having to make money in the process.

Teen Culture is not in a Good Place Right Now, and everyone would lose their Handles and Spouts if it became all about the Women again.

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