Monday, January 16, 2017

LeBron's Pro Basketball is not the Same as Michael Jordan's Pro Basketball

Even though I am not bringing up a new argument here, but LeBron's Pro Basketball is not the same as Michael Jordan's Pro Basketball. Including everyone is not the same as being Sports Frank Sinatra. On this Martin Luther King Morning, I think too the disregard for World Wide Image is going in this era.

Frankly, I wish the Knicks bit the courage to actually do an NBA Trade without having to get garbage, but instead, their Mark Messier. And, having to eviscerate trades that should happen but bogus legal clauses block them from doing them. Even Charles Barkley had to speak of the horrid state of the NBA.

I really want to make belief how much economy can we make JUST to keep Labor Peace happening well into the Next Decade? What  bothers me in Basketball, the Business Model is not doing enough to keep sponsors happy. Word on the street would have to move relationships with the Inner City Stronger.

If we did say the Seattle Supersonics and the Spirits of St. Louis where true expansions tomorrow, we'd have to find enough people with a clean disclipline sheet. If people want an honest Pro Basketball Career, even if their books kept them from College or they missed graduating High School, we'd need to be inclusive and have more than 60 Picks.

If business is hurt, why not return to throwback jerseys like the Football Jets did years ago? I want to see if actual trades would go for the Inner City, and if they had to add 28 More Regular Season Games because Expansion and have to make the NBA Finals the lone Series vs. Single Elimination and a true 2-3-2 Again.

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