Friday, January 13, 2017

The Lure of Money in Unretirements

The lure of money always has a habit in pulling Michael Phelps back in. But, I am curious are we so hard-upped for money and new stars that we have to have the lure of money in unretirements? Other than not denying ourselves Hall of Fame Level Moves like Sam Hornish or Buddy Rice in IndyCar again for the Indianapolis 500 to ensure Qualifying be a theater, but, in lieu of actual new stars the rest of the decade, would the lure of money in unretirements be responsible?

And, if we had to on the other side flesh out stars, would we be any better off than we where in 2014? Or, if we had 2 Years of 1975 Dallas Cowboys Draft Picks on the 2 Deep, the only good thing that would have happened is a full deep of Rookie and Sophomore Players on the Cleveland Browns.

Thinking beyond the "We Want You Back" guilt and jilt trips and what is truly horrific this Friday the 13th is the thoughtful citizens get casted as the bad guys and bad girls here. But, the last laugh is we'd still be at the job and we'd still be making money and we'd still be leading out of actual and emotional Siberia in 2027.

Even though we got a 1999 Pop Culture in 2017 and instead of the bubblegum ooey-gooeyness of Orlando,Florida , we instead get darker than dark Independent Movie jibes on our shelves. If money can't be the lure, would one time bonus points for naming your car lure people out of the house better to decide for themselves?

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