Tuesday, January 10, 2017

What if Iowa State Restarted Varsity Baseball in the NCAA?

I feel why not restart NCAA Varsity Baseball at Iowa State again. In that regard, they'd recruit hard up to the Treasure Alley to Central and Western Canada all the way up to Alaska. And, to prove there's no bluffing, I want to see a Thursday to Sunday non-conference schedule in the fall.

And, if we started the conference for Iowa State, we'd not view the Road to Omaha as impossible from a dead-end road, but, the never-ever ending interstate to perennial National Championships that never,ever, ever ends. The focus the first Spring would be Thursday to Sunday Conference Series.

Would Cap Timm meet NCAA Safety Standards? I think there sure is got to be that Iowa State is having to be better than playing Small Schools with regularity. I think, too, Iowa State would be in a better corner to recruit the World only because the trash wouldn't have been as coldly blatant, especially if the ground is frozen solid from January to December.

And, too, I feel there are commons that I feel slights in no crosstrain scholarships, a disproprotionate amount of baseball options in College in Iowa, and the thoughtfulness of scholarship and not just living rent and mortgage free, which is obvious, but, the blatant and excessant discaccount is arresting, especially when I tried to air Iowa State the 61st College Hockey Program. I feel Rule 1 of 1 is everyone earns their number in Summer, Fall or Whatever Offseason and just because anywhere has different kinds of people left and right don't mean it's an accepting home.

I'd like to see the Dome Equal of Madison Square Garden get tried out, not only because of Sports, but, doing concerts and the right thing to do.

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