Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Positivity and Talent Alone is not always a Good Image

I feel that with too much turbulence hitting us harder than the whole East Coast Flight Plan on a Good Day, we tend to miss Positivity out of nothing. It is where we'd either improve our lives or put ourselves in a position to win deep paychecks, not fall in for short paychecks.

I feel what is lost in the book is not doing heavy lifting or the heavy lifting well. I feel like with selfishness being honed to mockery, we don't see the spirit of teamwork like a 7-11 or better yet, a Marathon. And, what I feel is chilly is empty hype.

I don't think it is healthy to be a rescuer when your not in that field. And, I feel what is sad, is I don't see as many real people who aren't entitled and are going to go deep every single year or be a champion every single year. And, everyone elders like to see the bar being raised, so that if they needed help, they don't have to circle money they don't have like presently.

I feel what is great is making positive memories. If North Carolina upset Alabama in Chapel Hill over a rare Alabama Raleigh-Durham Appearance for anything, everyone would herald it as a for all time as opposed to 109, which it is and will toddle with several different names.

Even though I'd feel strong if Jameis came to my city and other folks had to blotch a Spencer Massey of Alcohol like it was Kendall Oil with Frank Manzo, but, that is not a good image. But, I feel like I want to see championship of Relevant Giants who are Giants and Model Citizens in actual life and not just at home.

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