Saturday, April 22, 2017

Love Everyone, Within Reason

I feel that why are stuck to contracts that we are held down to? I think with the Smoky Mountain Rain, without pun, landing on the 5 Boroughs, after Bill'O's Reign of Terror was dismissed, outsmoking Gunsmoke, Upstaging Larry King, and making Harder Copies of Hard Copy, and not in a good way. I, honestly, am not trying to be topical.

But, I feel, Love Everyone Within Reason. In that fact, I don't have anyone to call "Celebrity Special Guest" for anything I do. Not even if it is UNLV Sweeping UW Whitewater. What I'd feel, in hypothetical, is if Don Prudhomme came to town to speak, which he is not a public speaker to that extent, or a postmodern equal, thank you, is at least name 5 People who won't act like it is a Summer Vacation just to keep a Job.

I am speaking out of my own experience, and in real storytime, wanting to have the Snake speak to my School in Kindergarten (1991-1992) to make up for Kyle Petty coming to Prairie the Spring Before and being mad I missed that. Obviously, the lid was my Bus Driver Diane and the 2nd Fact he didn't really do Public Speaking or Fishing, for that matter.

What is hard to take, is I can't take futility or 2nd Place. And, I really don't know if being called "Dan Marino" just to see how mad I'd get is any good as trying to throw "Calculated" as an insult to keep Ted Cruz from the White House last year. It, in my view is oppurtunities and I know we can't take great ones leaving at all well. But, is it Summer Vacation if someone toxic leaves?

I feel that being oaky and ashy at the same time, would being 18 Wheels and No Dozen Roses in trying to free the LA Chargers Revival, no matter how short lived it gets, of Phillip Rivers just so they'd get him and if Wisconsin is tired of the Rodgerses' Woman Act. I know we have options we didn't have in 1992, and art bleeding harder than ever that didn't bleed in 1967, and if we had "It Didn't Happen If I'm Not Here", it'd be better than "It Wouldn't Have Happened if I Wasn't There". I mean, IndyCar cannot deny themselves Jimmie and Kurt Johnson Forever, even though that bus trip is unrelated.

But, it's cheaper to accomplish successes than to mess up over and over and over and over and again and again and again and again and oh yeah, AGAIN! And, usually, it is better in how everyone in the community carries their mood and not just gets platted on segregation and exploitation.

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