Thursday, March 7, 2019

Hot Reads: What Would Major Hollywood Studios Look Like in 2024?

I feel like having to dive into the depths of the Ocean of Major Hollywood Studios in 2024, after lifetimes of it being static. And, without 20th Century Fox and potentially, Paramount acheiving Mountain of Madness after being Hollywood's Mountain, and I could see these 5 Things Happening:

1. Job is NOT Your Territory

With too many people not at work when they are at home and just as many at work when they should be at home, Job is NOT Your Territory. This is not the 1 School Board (West Delaware) that tried to make all the other ones have mission statements. It is cruel having to jar out home, but, there is a lot of facsmilies out there.

2. Having to acquire preexisting franchises off of Portfolio

This would take Loss Leadership and I feel like it would take a scrappier having the check clear the bank mentality. We will have a Movie Fan Base upset it is not trimmed out to nothing left, like a Sarge/Alan Johnson (Minnesota) Team of Rivals, and the angst of being a team of rivals afterward (Alan Johnson: Steve Torrence/Brittany Force) (Clay Millican/David Grubnic) would not be worth the problems later.

3.I am thinking there'd be a reemphasis toward Saturday Morning Cartoons

And, having to fill or backfill Morning and Afternoon Cartoons, which we are stuck in an Adult World with no Frontchannel Saturday Morning that is decent. And, how would be frontchanneling key sports (Namely International) from their live feed to our televisions?

4. I am thinking the 2nd Bigs Will Run their Course

Without Luke Perry, I am thinking CW will not hold water. I feel with Lester less of a fixture, we'd have to learn avoiding bad habits and the learning as in true entertainment would be ironing out Bugs Bunny and Fred Flintstone again like having TBS gave them another run in the 1980s.

5. Sitcom Development

This can't keep going another year. This can't keep going another year, even if losing Eurydice keeps happening again and again. (Once is bad enough, and very bad enough long term). Mind you, I feel like who is in the room should get credit, plain and simple, and I feel terrible if we had anything like Game of Thrones where HBO had to settle out the credits.

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