Monday, March 18, 2019

Kauffman's Pass the Trash Leadership is Showing On Sports Betting

I feel Mr. Bobby Kauffman is not letting a revenue stream go to waste, namely when it is both Sports Betting and Illicit Drugs. I feel we are a solid 1st, if not 2nd for Medical and Other Legal Marijuana and Sports Betting in the Midwest. Solid as in Solidly Close to Illinois and 3rd is nowhere to be found.

I feel like the Pass The Trash Policies are showing. It is not Caesar's Palace, but, we've overextended home to the Point it was Foreclosed On. And, I'd feel guiltier true Expansion's purpose is forgotten about like why are we mad to begin with.

Like yeah, the ones that got away really do sting. And I am sure that'd we'd need the Badlands in state like Dirty Water and Poor Responsibility. Everyone is trying to be International Airport, and I don't need that love everywhere. One more Championship at ANY Time would have made the Braves be in 1st Place more Worth It.

We aren't seeing the Keep the Yankees In 1st Place Rally that is mystic and mysterious. We are the society after society, which doesn't have the Independent Surf Ballroom's Best Interest, and we are not close to 1 Store, but, its rational to put Target in your County Seat because Walmart is what you wanted, but, your afraid of their stall tactics.

We'd don't have Good Sports Bar, nor Good Bars. And, I could tell you the property values in my neighborhood is $200,000 less than it should be.

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