Friday, March 15, 2019

Would Lesnar-Undertaker be viewed as A Bankable Match?

I feel that for my 1070th Blog, which is WIBC's Classic Dial Place and I feel there'd be a place for how the WWE is going so far down the road is this or that a Bankable Match.

I feel would Lesnar-Undertaker be viewed as a Bankable Match? It would be worse than Undertaker-Angle, and we'd have a sitting belt holder that actually is interested in defending his belt, albeit very briefly. Even though everyone is big to everyone, but, the bankability would take a point of no return hit.

Or if we had a Money Mayweather-Undertaker or McGregor-Undertaker Card? That would finally jowl our US Senators in a dually long overdue need for a Fight Commission. And, it's bad our 100 Meter Dash Hero NOT OURS, and he hog our airwaves. It is worse the World Boxing Champions are noninterested in work and less interested in defense, and it's even worse that we could count Brock Lesnar's Actual Fights on one hand, and parcing Wrestlemania XXXV is going to look bad.

The Universe shouldn't feel like what if, and I don't think acceptabilizing Internationals like their Local counts as one of them. I feel even for our advances, we are long and tired and we had no interest in deep dives or wormholes, and I feel like Oxygen, Other Oxygen and a Cool Head are terribly needed to counter everything, but, not when we are stalled.

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