Sunday, December 26, 2021

How Come I Don't See Mount Vernon at the Dome?

 This burns me up as an Eastern Iowan and a Man who had Mount Vernon Responsible for Getting Me to School and to Keep My Diploma in the 1st Place, is how come I don't see Mount Vernon at the Dome?

I see and hear about them in Chicago and the Rose Bowl, and every Fall Since RPI came out in the State, Mount Vernon Fans have every right in the book to be R-Peeved at RPI.

I didn't want the Solon Hex to go into the 2nd Generation, and its been a Generation of Mustangs who have fallen for the Same Joke. And the joke is past not funny a long time ago.

Technically, they have not been back to the Dome since 2015, and they have not won Since 1994. I think that the noise tears up Retail and tears up the Educational Community.

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