Saturday, December 18, 2021

Would Lincoln Riley's USC Act Superior to the Death Penalty?

 I would wonder if the most frightening thing in Sports is Acting Superior to the Death Penalty or acting like Consequences either for not a Properly Run Program or Properly Financed Program don't exist. I am thinking the realities of South Central LA in deterring neighborhood interest in their team, but, the whole City of Los Angeles actually having an interest in USC-UCLA as opposed to just Living in Los Angeles.

I would think the 2022 USC Trojans would be a Worse Program than what was found, and that would be a Proper Reaction. This is Sports in the American West and you'd get what you'd get for Stiffing Dean Blevins.

The emotions would be either I am staying because Caleb Williams is staying at Oklahoma or I am leaving because Caleb Williams is transferring to USC. What that would do in the Oklahoma City Market is bring back the Bad Old Habits of Oklahoma Sooners Football and not another Southern Iowa or a Pissed Fortune.

USC Trojans Football has been sick for 13 Years and the brevity of the Sickness would have no idea how deep or Unaware or Cavalier to the Death Penalty USC's Administration is. The truth is some of their Alumni is not on Speaking Terms, and that costs Scholarships and Money.

It would be expensive to Operate LA Olympic Memorial Coliseum with it being Majority Empty and their would be a Stand Off about having to motion a New Football Stadium when the Money Opens Up. It would begin and end with Players Transferring, Kids Transferring to USC where on the Hush Hush they where Creeps at their Old School.

The Olympics would get on USC's Case for a Replacement Coliseum. And, I would feel it would cost worse Money if they had to earn 2 Hard Death Penalty Years and that would carve right into the Baby Boomlet and by the time it was a Program Restart, it would be Conference Games Only for another 2 Years and by the Decade's End, it would start a lengthy roll on being a Homecoming Date for a Decade.

Wherever it would roam, it would be 10 Years or More Without a Conference Championship and the Olympic Stadium Push would bump Newer Energy next decade, but, it would not help USC the Program beyond a few key dates.

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