Thursday, December 9, 2021

What Would the Houston Aeros Bring to Houston Sports Market?

 I am thinking that the Houston Aeros to NHL Gravy Train is only going in One Direction: Full Speed Ahead! I would feel that the Hockey Hall of Fame would need to clear up Records, for Reasons, especially if we had to do Later Versions of Said Teams.

It would eliminate the problems of Back Pay of the Current Day Arizona Coyotes, which where sent down to Phoenix only as a Real Estate Swap and a Promise to honor the Twin Cities by Commissioner Bettman. It won't all be all fun, and I felt they should have done this 3 Years Ago.

Speaking of Out of Your Way, having to keep the Books Clear would help win an Unlikely Deep Stanley Cup Playoffs or Final Run before Seattle would clear a Winnable Run. The Astros would go out of their Way to be Annoying, especially to us in Cedar Rapids, The Texans would go out of their way to be Bad and Worse, The Rockets would go out of their way to do absolutely nothing and be happy about it, The Dynamo and the Dash would go out of their way to be Plants or Fixtures in Soccer.

What the Aeros Revival would bring is no Expansion Draft, but having to civilize a Club that needs it. It would push NHL Expansion further down the road, as in having it happen sooner than just 4 Years or 17 Years.

It would make use of one of the Best High School Sports Markets in the Country, if not the most competitive in America, too.

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