Thursday, December 9, 2021

Louisville is Going With No Rudders!

 The shots, sadly, have been fired in a Chaotic City of Louisville, which should know better than placing Sucker Bets. Since Louisville lost their 2013 National Championship they rightfully stole (to Wichita's Chagrin) over Kevin Ware, in 2018, it has been chaos.

Their President left for the Hated Penn State University, their Athletic Director tried to leave for Florida State until Louisville's Trustees caught wind and made him leave. This is one of the most competitive High School Sports markets in the Country and your leaving Scott Satterfield with nothing?

It would be so amusing if there was not the Ohio catching Fire like Cleveland in the Early 1970's. Sadly, it is the wrong kind of fire. This is the Same Louisville that allowed Colonel Scarface (Rick Pitino) to overstay his welcome. If someone had to earn Season 25, through namely everything Daria, it would be Louisville.

I am sure we are on the Mister X Phase of Louisville Athletics and the joke is getting older. It could be so easy for someone uneducated to run a Class University into a Bigger and more Broken Mount Mercy like it was Case Closed.

Knowing Cedar Rapids enough, sadly, it is never Case Closed. It's the Home of Muhammad Ali and sadly, if the Greatest was here, he'd split at his City not doing a Level Effort. To be fair, since that aformentioned Collar of a Championship Season, Louisville has not shown focus.

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