Sunday, October 13, 2019

Cedar Rapids's Baseball Scene Can't Escape the Angels Long Shadow

I feel like because nobody else is willing to put it in a post, I am saying Cedar Rapids's Baseball Scene can't escape the Angels Long Shadow because Mike Trout would be happy to flop out in arbitration in a later time to his Homestanding Yankees, and not having Nick Adenhart and not having Tyler Skaggs, Adenhart's Replacement, becomes more than a discomfortable Sports Trivia Question.

Arte Moreno is leaving a mess for Southern California Baseball. Mike "The Only 2 Time Simpsons Athletic Voice" Scocia has left the scene, and the whole sense is a bottom to top fire.

If we had a San Diego vs. Baltimore All Star of a Fall Classic, the anticipation would palate through everything. But, no, no, no, we'd have a Very Uncomfortable Fall Classic, Interleague World Series, Another Divisional World Series, and a Yankees-Cardinals Fall Classic that would restore time and space like Father's Day to boot.

Polanco's Steroid Suspension only reinforced Kepler needed his 50 Home Runs Worse, The Collar makes Baseball and Softball seem like Boot Camp around here. I am sick of the mercury rising on the uncute Title Hex, and I'd rage about everyone making me and my community look Bush League.

I feel this is not a good image for anyone involved and I am willing to call out if needed.

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