Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Mixing and Matching Paint Schemes With Certain Cars Within Reason

I would know as much about Cars and Video Games interchangably. But, where I would start is where if we'd make the E3 or any other DEI without Theresa Earnhardt being a red line from A to Z.

I feel with matterisms and fonts, we couldn't make Jeff Gordon's Car Chuck Bown's Car. That would not happen nor I'd want that or even allow that to happen. Where'd we be is we haven't gotten to where we'd want to go or be.

For as much as I made my Post about Penske going from Ford to Pontiac, for as much as I'd root Mr. Penske for going from the Factory to the Custom Car Company, the dive would be ironically millenial.  It would pass as devilish even in a devilish period.

That would fill the back of every Sports, Motorsports, and Car Show and that would not be an easy thing. Or if my Milwaukee Mile for Dirt was Holding and little else, it would be closer to Iowa State Fair Speedway, even if they hired someone compentent.

We'd have an Ocean of Paint we didn't have in the 1960s. We'd have to have enough interest to stay on the International Airport and it is not fun to just want another Mom and it is less fun to just burn through economies. It would be instead of President Mandela, we'd be left with anyone having to morph Soft Money and lack of expectations, which is dangerous and rude, because babies would need to be safe, and so would their Mom and Aunts and Relatives.

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