Friday, December 31, 2021

Paper Planes and Work From Home, Hotel or Anywhere Do Not Mix

 We cannot avoid Technology and what is Dangerous is having to Conveniently Tie Up Working From Home, Hotel or Anywhere and having to Shootout Paper Planes Worth of Emails No One Wants as a Ruse to Stay Out of the Office. 

That is a Problem and it would be a Bigger Problem if you had to Go Through More Credit than the United States Government just to Work From a Presidential Suite. You, Sir, are Not Recruiting Earl Campbell to Texas and even if you did, you'd still have to be approved.

And, that's where you'd really get burned, especially if we are a Small Community and you can't just torch Credit Checks with No Shame. All those things take away from the Camaradie of Work and if you where Bad With People or Even a Creep, that causes more Problems than it solves.

And, it never ends, and Schools would be Fighting Mad about Home School Plans, especially if you are not Sick or have Unrelated Commitments. It would get too easy and they can do School in a Mental Hospital until your 18, but, they can't do School in Juvenile Detention.

Dr. Grant Passed Away on the Same Day as Betty White!

 Dr. Christine Grant passed away on the Same Day as Betty White! I feel for having 50 Years of Title IX Next Summer, the appropriate gift to Dr. Grant and the Pristine, Boston Gardenesque Hardwood at Carver Hawkeye Arena is to raise a Women's Title Home.

Dr. Grant would appreciate it and the Women's Community would, too. I feel it is not fair to have a Bigger Mount Mercy in Louisville, when we know Mount Mercy has been the Sacramento Kings of Small Colleges, and those are my words, and it is less fair that Spencer Rattler and his 2 Oklahoma City Mopar Trucks have arrived in South Carolina.

We can't deny our bodies, minds and souls are broken! I feel adamantly, and I am not a Women's Clothing Person as much as a Sports Fan, but, I'd want to see better Women's Apparel Merchandise. It is a Crime that you are selling more in Beer and less in Women's Apparel.

I don't want to bring that up, because of all the time I'd spend with my Mom, Aunts, Mom's Friends, and Cousins in my Formative Years and I feel that I'd rather focus on that than Beer.

Jason Jacoby and Guys Like Him Would be Even Worse in Analog Auto Racing

 I feel that what is nuts is Jason Jacoby and whatever nuts of a Fan Base won't quit. Cult is more appropriate, and I don't mean Cult of Cornette.

He is a Danger, and anyone who has proven that they are a Danger should not be allowed an actual Car or a Sim Car. I hate him worse than Barstool, which is not that easy to do!

This is a World War II or Dallas Carter Grade Movement and I feel with Sim Cars, it is bad enough, and that POS having to think he's Promoted to Cup is Dangerous. It has a Real World Effect on Racers and other Racing Personalities, and I'd know TI would hate Keyboard Warriors with a Passion.

This is not TRL or 106 and Park and generally, I feel there is something to be said about Background Checks and Credit Checks. He'd wash out of One and really fly in and out of Jobs.

This is not about me, even though I'd have my own not proud moments. I feel that Jacoby is the Example of Bail Reform ran amok and this is Georgia and not New York, and if it was my Community, I'd have to get him before he turns into the Wrong Kind of Bundy.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Operation Toni Storm is a Real Problem for WWE

 I feel that Operation Toni Storm is a Real Problem for the WWE. Toni Storm angrily Stormed Off the WWE and I feel that Fox or ESPN International will have to cut ties at some point. It is the War of the Conmen and that is not fun.

I am believing that this is Nothing But Trouble because Peacock and the WWE Network do not have their act together or in a row. I feel that Toni Storm is going to be a Problem because it proves that McMahon's see nothing good.

I feel that Heyman's Hustle is a Little Too Much and if Paul Heyman hustled out the door, it would be Big Big Trouble for Fox and WWE. 

This is Worse than Witness Protection and my JEL Era Classmate from Ankeny Community's Quip of "Your Not in the Witness Protection Program" is a Little Too Charitable and Family Friendly in this age.

12302021 National Championship of College Football

 These are the Last Calendar Games of 2021 before the Championship, which happens on the 1st Day of 2022 and without further ado, here are the Games

31 Tulsa  9-6 7 0 7 7-21 7-28 9-7

14 Houston 14-2 14 7 0 0-21 13-34 15-2

32 Georgia State 12-5 7 0 0 7-14 7-21 12-6

28 Ole Miss 15-3 0 0 7 7-14 13-27 16-3

National Championship of College Football XXIII 

28 Ole Miss 16-3 vs. 14 Houston 15-2

Penn State Can't Keep Losing Assistants

 I feel when Penn State generally loses Assistants to Other Schools, it is Big. It is bigger when the Mid-Atlantic is going to Change like Pokemon and you lose Assistants in Kind. This is as bad as ever in most any year not related to Coaching Changes in the Paterno and Beyond Years.

Penn State is just as bad as Harrisburg and that is not good.  I feel the Bad Habits of the Late Term Paterno Years are starting to creep up on the Program. You are no closer to the Playoffs than you where in the beginning.

It does not help that the Wrong Kind of GPS is Going Off not only being on the Short Side to Mississippi Record, but, to make it worse, it is Illinois! Not just Illinois, Bret Bielema Illinois where he has not learned a thing since his sojourn to Arkansas.

I don't think James Franklin will stick to the Whole 10 Year Contract and it slaps everything the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania stands for and not in a good way.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

12282021 National Championship of College Football

 14 Houston 13-2 7 0 7 7-21 14-2

 6 Baylor      13-3 0 0 0 0-0   13-4

31 Tulsa         8-6 7 7 7 0-21 9-6

10 NIU         11-4 0 0 0 0-0 11-5

29 Fresno State 13-3 7 0 7 0-14 13-4

28 Ole Miss      14-3 0 8 3 8-19 15-3

32 Georgia State 11-5 28 21 7 7-63 12-5

24 Oklahoma       13-4 0 0 0 0-0 13-5

12302021 National Championship of College Football Semifinals

31 Tulsa 9-6 vs. 14 Houston 14-2

32 Georgia State 12-5 vs. 28 Ole Miss 15-3

Monday, December 27, 2021

The Atrocity of Washington Sports is Too Much to Bear!

 The Atrocity of Washington Sports is Too Much to Bear! That is not a Lighthearted Word, and the Sunday Night Fight is another lowlight in a Lowlight Year.

No one in the City of Washington,DC takes Development Seriously Enough! That is bad enough and that is only worsened by the fact the City is Stuck with Kindergarten Cops for Owners.

Keystone Cops would have known the Protocols of the Job, but Kindergarten Cops are Enforcers and Sloppy Enforcers at that. Washington DC has had Back to Back Kindergarten Cops on their Job and the World's Job!

I do not like what I am seeing out of Old DC! I feel that what is Wrong is a Lot of Things, and there is not a lot of nice things to say if a City's Sports is Garbage!

I am bitter that this Was The District of Champions! A lot of the City's Behavior would be saved for or more appropriate for Las Vegas. Everyone in Old DC would Remember the Merchandise, Stanley Cup Keg Stands, and the Surreality of actually getting to defend a World Series Pennant.

Not only the Enforcers are Sloppy, but, they are Rough as Well! That is a big problem and your City's Biggest Sports Star Still is Russian!

Yo, Jason Jacoby is Dragging Athens With Him!

 I feel mad as an Autistic Gentleman that Jason Jacoby is dragging Athens with him. If One Male drags your area like the Late John Wes Townley did, taking Sponsors, Jobs and Equipment with No Shame, it is a Problem Enough. For real, what Jason Jacoby is Doing is Exposing Athens and most Racing People would avoid it like Fort Worth.

Which is a Crime, and it would be a Felony for Tony Schumacher to never win in Atlanta. I can't hide my feelings, especially if the OIS of Mr. Townley ruined an Otherwise Sterling Bubba Wallace Win. Between Jacoby and Lombard, these Planters have not kept a secret.

Lombard couldn't have kept a Secret in the Worst Way, and someone caught him Redhanded and Flatfooted. Jacoby would have the Good Karma of a Doctor, but, he has messed with way too many lives.

Jason Jacoby has no Chill and is a Menace to Society and if I had to go home from Work to see my Show Interrupted because that Creep was Arrested, I would be livid.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

What would it take to develop an Earthly Pokedex?

 I would wonder what would it take to develop an Earthly Pokedex? It would have to keep up on Development and Software in Ways that People Find Prohibitive. And, would the Public have enough of an appetite for More Technology?

To be fair, we are inundated with E-waste and generally, a lot of that E-waste goes back to the Wrong Hands. And, most of those E-waste Savers do not have a Clean Consience.

It would be having to cause trouble at both School and the Community and all of a Sudden, you'd have nowhere to run. That is a big problem and if the Community is all you got, your a Marked Man in the Eyes of a Lot of People.

You'd have iPhone development without iPhone Money and that is a big, big issue.

How Come I Don't See Mount Vernon at the Dome?

 This burns me up as an Eastern Iowan and a Man who had Mount Vernon Responsible for Getting Me to School and to Keep My Diploma in the 1st Place, is how come I don't see Mount Vernon at the Dome?

I see and hear about them in Chicago and the Rose Bowl, and every Fall Since RPI came out in the State, Mount Vernon Fans have every right in the book to be R-Peeved at RPI.

I didn't want the Solon Hex to go into the 2nd Generation, and its been a Generation of Mustangs who have fallen for the Same Joke. And the joke is past not funny a long time ago.

Technically, they have not been back to the Dome since 2015, and they have not won Since 1994. I think that the noise tears up Retail and tears up the Educational Community.

That Will Hurt Through the Zoom Next Summer!

 Should we have the Unfortunate Double-Doink of having to resort to Good Old Fashioned Human Polling to End this Season,  that will hurt through the Zoom Next Summer! When we have to Poll Next Summer, we'd have a Chaotic Polling System.

I am frothy over being denied Bowl Mania and I feel that should we go to Old Fashioned Polling, it would be a Jump Ball. And, that Jump Ball would make or break fortunes.

I would not like it as a Fan and it only gets awkward having to wonder if its a 30 Day Break or a 90 Day Break. The reality is these are people's Real Lives and I am pissed that we'd settle for Kansas instead of getting San Diego State.

It would be a Bad Deal having to be stranded on Road, and I don't think Boston College wanted another Bowl Scrubbed and Everyone in East Carolina didn't want No Return on their Great Season.

SMU is Sacked Out of Boston!

 I made 0 Bones about SMU being my Bowl Mania Favorite! I feel what is rotten is I am denied the Privilege of SMU minting my Playoff Tickets and Reservations next Christmas! And that is not the only Bowl Game Cancelled this Morning.

I feel that it is a Rip that not only the Ponies are denied Fenway, but, it is not fair that COVID still is lurking like a Perverse Cat and Mouse. I feel I did not have a Bigger Score and this is what makes this post scarier.

Will Big Ben Earn Himself A Bus Run?

 Ben Roethlisberger will definitely not earn himself a Bus Run in the Same Fashion Jerome Bettis sent in in in 2005 and 2006. The hole in the Storybook is angrily saying the Colts having the best chance at the Super Bowl in Indianapolis (Which the Colts won the Next Year, regrettably, without Edgerrin James) and the denial of the most NFL Championship Super Bowl in history, which Bears Fans are emotional over Title X even now, and they had real chances at either the Colts or the Steelers.

Big Ben has remade Steelers and Pittsburgh Culture, for the worse. His Womanizing takes away the Approach of the Steelers, and Antonio Brown and Le'Veon Bell's Ruins where traced to Ben Roethlisberger.

I'd have a Sick, Sad Feeling that Ben's Run will hit Midnight in the Early Days of 2022. What Mike Tomlin is Charged with is having a Large Scale Rebuild of Steelers Culture and is not as Large Scale as Washington's, but, it is not flattering.

If it was not the Bus, Steelers Fans would be saying "One For the Thumb" like Sunday came around Cold and Unappreciated. The fact the Cold Memory of Denying Kurt Warner in the Championship Hall of Fame is the most recent Championship Legacy of the Steelers.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Iowa is Making it a Habit to Max Out A Family Show or Family Shows

 I feel that Iowa has made it a habit to Max Out Family Show or Family Shows. Other than everyone having the Best Fans, but, Iowa has made it commission to be Family. And the whole purpose of Family is having to Think Independently from time to time.

I feel the Brandses are Guilty of Cranking Up the Intensity to the Point the School has to remind them they have to run an Orderly Program. If it was not the NCAA Championship this Past Year, the Seat in the Old Capitol would have been as Red Hot as Iowa City High and we've chased a Hometown Hero out of the Seat before.

I wish that Fire Fran would have done a Full On Dr. Tom. The quality of Men's Basketball in most of the Midwest has been left to be desired and TV Doesn't Like Michigan State. (They Missed the Traditional Field of 64). If Fire Fran did a Full On Dr. Tom, we'd break our Winter Conference Hex.

The Ferentzes Play Like it is NCAA Football 22 and what is inconvenient is Brian Ferentz thinks the Same Prevent Play when it is an Emotionally Charged Michigan Program. What is an inconvenient Woof-Woof and I am not just talking about Brian Ferentz is that Iowa would need to Fundraise Replacements to Carver Hawkeye or Kinnick later on.

If we did Football the matter Gable did Wrestling, it would be a Revolutionary and Dangerous Thought. It would punish Ohio State over and over and we'd have National Championships, too, but, we'd lose something in our Corner of the World.

Baltimore is Going to Regret Playing Lamar Jackson!

 Even though its a Busy Christmas Day, but, it is busier in the Fact in Baltimore Football Lore, their history is not something they like bringing up. But, it was not enough the Buffalo Bills beat Baltimore in the NFL Playoffs for the 1st Time in City History.





It has to be worse in the fact Josh Allen beat Lamar Jackson to the Contract Table and that hurt Baltimore in the Fact Baltimore is Going to Regret Playing Lamar Jackson! The Ravens Era has kept the Wrong Kind of People for Hall of Famers (Ray Lewis) Cradle to Graved Eventual 1st Ballot Hall of Famers (Joe Flacco) let the Womanizing get in the Way of a 1st Ballot Hall of Famer (Ray Rice) and worse, Baltimore Ravens are getting in the way of Lamar Jackson's Development.

That is dangerous especially if the Baltimore Colts History and Records have to be defended. It gets more dangerous when you don't have a Quarterback Room that is Healthy, and the Criminal Mentality of Baltimore is they have not done development right.

The Ravens will be 30 in a Few Years and that's the IMAGE, especially if I don't see an NFL Championship Chicago Baltimore Super Bowl or a Green Bay Baltimore Super Bowl at any point!

Creeps That Have No Business With Technology Sure Love Them AirTags

 On this Christmas Morning, there is something to be said about Women's Justice and Auto Theft being a Real Concern. And, it is people who should have no Business with Technology that absolutely love the Living Crap out of AirPods.

I am not joking especially if we have done exactly the opposite of Get Tough On Crime. These are absolutely bad people and not only they are giving Apple and Tech a Bad, Bad, Bad Name, but they are upsetting Women and Automakers.

These are not people who'd be Working From Home and even that, you'd have to have Self Control enough not to throw Paper Planes worth of Emails to People that Don't Want Them. That would be a Safety and Security Issue enough and having to Work From Home or Hotel or Anywhere on top of that would be a Towering Inferno.

What is worse, is these Creeps have No Business with True Luxury Hotels and what is worse here, is these are Real People. What I would think the Work From Home Culture is doing is making Work Worse and exposing those who don't want to work for anything and still get the Perks, Privileges and Responsibilities of actually Working.

I would feel it has lent the Sludge license to do Sludge Things and that is unnerving.

We'd Need a "Thank God For Kids" or a "Nightcast Before Christmas"

 Sports is in need of Actual Leadership and we are absent one "Thank God For Kids" from the Person that Blew the Lid off of SMU, Dallas Carter, and Barry Switzer and the "Nightcast Before Christmas" in Eastern Iowa where we are not so Competitive that we'd sacrifice Family Time.

When I do talk about actual leadership, I mean that not just a Paycheck or having to let the Odell's or the Antonio's Run Around until the Public Has Enough. To be frank, the Public has Enough and the fact is you can't steal St. Louis's Number.

That Flying Wing Logo is Real to us Iowans and the Greatest Shows Everyday is Real to Us, too. I would have had Kicked Ass and Taken Names if it was Baltimore vs. St. Louis Super Bowl in the Dome and that would have denied Jesse Armstead and Kerry Collins, too.

I don't like to be Profane just to be Profane, but, the Emotions are as Raw as the Cedar River is Cold and it is surreal not having an Infamous Cold Case (Lynda Manuel or Michelle Martinko) Monopolizing a Public Christmas and I do mean Public in Eastern Iowa since Episode IV's Year of Star Wars in 1977.

To be honest, it is Empty and Uncalled For. I don't want to feel like Northern Iowa's NCAA Hex has to turn 50 before any Championship as the School turned a Blind Eye and a Deaf Ear to their Women's Rugby Successes and they had to go out in the Community and I would feel a sense of anger that had to come to that.

Staples ain't there this Morning and the Sponsor that Replaces them ain't gonna last 5 Years, if you ask me.

Friday, December 24, 2021

Why Is It that Cedar Rapids Marion High School Wrestling is More than A Year Away Right Now?

 For as much Cedar Rapids Marion Area High School Wrestling at one point Filled Arenas before The Arena, which many of Wrestling and Scholastic Fan Still has a Pointed Opinion, and caused Spirited Battles with Screenprinters, the State of Cedar Rapids Marion Area High School Wrestling is Concerning.

Xavier has been great at a lot of things, but, in their Almost 25 Years of School, they have not had a Strong Wrestling Room. Jefferson has not been the Fighting J-Hawks since the Last Ironside Brother threw his fist in frustration at the Multicolored Barn Mats in the Late 1990's. Prairie has not been the Hammering Hawks since the Early Days of the Arena.

Washington has always had Discipline and Numbers Problems be just as Common as the Program, and a lot of times through the Years, it always came down to the City and Jefferson to illicit a Sellout. Kennedy has not been the Same Program since Paulson last Coached on the Northeast Side.

Linn Mar has not been the Same Program since Madman of the State Borschel went about his Controversial 4 for 4 in the 2000's and Marion has not had a Coherent Program in a Decade. What makes it worse and uncomfortable is the Year Away in Cedar Rapids and Marion is Years Away and the Conditions of the Programs can't be anymore worse than they are now.

Would Having a Cedar Rapids Equal to Jordan Creek or Coral Ridge be the Best and Worst Thing Ever?

 I feel the Cedar Rapids Area having a Jordan Creek or a Coral Ridge would be a Gift and a Curse to Outlying Communities to Cedar Rapids. I feel that my Concern is Cedar Rapids is Straying from Safe Schools, Safe Neighborhoods Model that made us a National and International Example.

Even though we don't have Our Christmas Stolen like the Mid-South, but, I feel Guilty and Bitter that the Body of Work and the Body of Work leaves a lot to be desired. I would believe in Cuffing Season like Fabulous and not the Old Movies, and trust me, I'd run around the City if I knew someone that was Up to No Good Got Cuffed and Booked.

It is frothy because there is No Turning Around like a Woman's 37th Birthday and everyone relates to the Cathy Comics a little too well like we need a Cathy and King of the Hill Mashup. I feel that Gang Violence is a Major Problem in Cedar Rapids and it is a Task Force Problem, not a Jane Boyd Problem.

Jane Boyd would be lonelier than if the Pope was American and that would not be easy. Even if the President was Cedar Rapids Public and Parochial Born and Raised, they can't just throw Government or IMF Money at Cedar Rapids.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

12232021 National Championship of College Football

 3 Waco Subregional 


11 Alabama 13-7 0 0 0 0-0 13-8

 6 Baylor 12-3 7 7 7 7-28 13-3

3 San Antonio Subregional

14 Houston 12-2 7 0 14 3-24 13-2

 3 UTSA     13-1 0 0 0 0-0 13-2

4 Logan Subregional

10 Northern Illinois 10-4 7 8 8 3-26 11-4

 7 Utah State 11-3 0 0 0 0-0 11-4

2 Lafayette Subregional

31 Tulsa 7-6 10 0 7 7-24 8-6

15 Wake Forest 12-2 7 7 0 0-14 12-3

4 Provo Subregional

28 Ole Miss 13-3 7 0 8 6-21 14-3

21 Kent State 8-6 0 0 0 0-0 8-7

1 Pittsburgh Subregional

29 Fresno State 12-3 7 14 7 3-31 13-3

20 Western Kentucky 9-5 0 7 0 0-7 9-6

2 Ann Arbor Subregional

24 Oklahoma 12-4 7 0 7 0-14 13-27 13-4

 8 Michigan   13-4 0 7 0 7-14 7-21 13-5

1 Cincinnati Subregional

32 Georgia State 10-5 10 7 0 7-24 11-5

17 San Diego State 13-3 7 0 7 0-14 13-4

National Championship of College Football 12282021

14 Houston 13-2 vs. 6 Baylor 13-3

31 Tulsa 8-6 vs. 10 NIU 11-4

"The Hall of Fame Start"

29 Fresno State 13-3 vs. 28 Ole Miss 14-3

"2000's Mania"

32 Georgia State 11-5 vs. 24 Oklahoma 13-4

The Lucas Oil Racers are On their Not A Sportsman Phase

 I feel that one of the Running Taglines is that the Lucas Oil Racers are on their Not A Weather Girl Phase with them Not being Sportsman Phase as Sportsman was a Catchall for Classes not in a NHRA Professional Drag Racing Series.

I don't necessarily want to throw my darts at Lucas Oil Drag Racing Series like other Developmental Series, but, the oxymoron is there are more Stars in that Series and less racers.

That is not new and what is new is Stars are Coming Out of Anywhere and that is not good. The Sportsman Catchall Grew Out of when Federal Mogul replaced the Top Alcohol Moniker albeit briefly and Old Habits eventually died hard.

We are not due for a Class of Junior Dragster Year and a lot of trust would have been Violated or Shattered, or having to be Fed Up enough where we wouldn't have Spencer Massey in Pro Stock, or elevator ride through Funny Car, Pro Stock and Pro Stock Motorcycle.

My City is More On Fire than the Years After Martinko

 I feel as a Public Service Announcement that my Home City of Cedar Rapids is More on Fire than the Sensitive Years after Michelle Martinko happened. I do not like or take pride in saying that, especially if the After Hours or the Off Hours Stuff afterward blew out our Family Trees and Trajectories Forever in the years afterward.

I feel that what is more of a Burn is People Do Not Care and Do Not Have the Money. That is a Movie Plot, if the lives behind the characters where not real. Sadly, they are a little too real for our liking.

And, that fire in Our City is induced generally in Gang Violence Culture and that is an incinerator worse than anything. I am mad that Pop Culture is not getting better and Experiences Cost Money, but, you'd have to carve out Money to enjoy them.

I don't think my City has the Wrong Kind of GPS, with the P being Offensive to Family Friendlier Ears, but, there is not a Drive to Work for Money, or Even to Win, and that affects Cedar Rapids Public's Student Body and their Eligibility, which Jefferson is in the midst of an Eligibility Crisis.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Madison Cawthorn is Singlehandedly Responsible for the Teen Pregnancy Rate Rolling Like a Credit Card

 Madison Cawthorn is a Mad, Mad, Mad Man. And his Madness is Not Harmless, Either. If he was 36, he would not even be in Office.

It bothers me that he will be Singlehandedly Responsible for the Teen Pregnancy Rate Rolling Over Like a Credit Card. While we are on these problems, Madison Cawthorn being free to Live, Score, and Be Happy is a Scary Thought to Washington DC and Her Ladies.

Washington DC's Ladies have the Worst Women's Sports Champion and the Worst People in Sports like I am OK With It! Sadly, I am not! This is a Year where we are Stuck with Needy Things in a Needy Year and that is Dangerous!

Jean Alesi makes for a Regular Benson and that is Not Good

 In Mount Vernon Lore, the Benson would have been a Hyperemotional Character and that still is in the pot with Broken Homes, Macho Men and Creeps, 17 Years Later. And, no sir, I am not talking about Johnny.

Jean Alesi makes for a Regular Benson and that is Not Good, and what is tense, is he is the Worst Indianapolis 500 Starter in History. Besides that One Win with that Dog of a Ferrari Program, Jean Alesi has been known for Practical Jokes, including making a Stoic Ayrton Senna laugh.

Not giggle, laugh.

But, what is not funny is Jean Alesi lighting a Firework in his Soon to be Former Brother In Law's Office. Highkey, Jean Alesi was always known to be Hot Tempered and Found Video Game Moves before they became in vogue.

Jean Alesi would go about live with 20 or 30 Tenths when 10 Tenths is Socially Unacceptable. If Alesi would have been a Williams, he would have gotten a Championship.

Sadly, we have a Litter of Dogs who'd be Unrealized in Formula One and that is a Scary Thought.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

I'm Gonna Miss the World Out of that Adventureland Jingle

 I feel one sign we are on to the Next Year is having Adventureland push Season Passes. I don't know if it is an Arrested Development, or one we where not aware of, but Adventureland People would like to use their Passes at Adventureland.

I feel mad that the Ownership Change happened in the Middle of Adventureland Selling Passes. To be frank, it would be their 50th Summer and I'd hope it would be better than its 48th or 49th.

It feels like Garfield where instead of Holding Its Own, it doesn't care what happens next. Garfield would be frail and emotional and eat his way through his feelings. After a while, Garfield would not care either way other than Kicking Odie off the Table.

The Expulsion #'s in Iowa Would be the Size of Lisbon as A School District

 I feel that the Expulsion Numbers in Iowa would be the Size of Lisbon as a School District, had they just been isolated to my Alma Mater. If it where iso'd to just my Alma Mater, we'd effect jobs and enjoyment of School Things.

And, it would injure School Memories and we'd be both defensive and territorial like Kennedy's Lore. I would think if the Road Out of Home would be needed, because having Webcams would be Expensive and mistakes or lack of Social Skills on Webcam would be Even Worse.

If Lisbon where to stop on the Spot because of That Many Expulsions, like it was Metro in Cedar Rapids, the anger in the defense would be maddening. It would be like getting out of School to do something and still being a jerk and School People Find Out, that is not good.

It would break different if that absent leadership where Regular Days.

Coach Prime has a Clintonian Effect on HBCU's

 I feel that Deion Sanders has a Clintonian Effect on HBCU's and that is not good. If I where to do a Division I College Football Poll Next Summer, I would call up South Carolina State a Preseason #1. But, I really miss Eddie Robinson and I really don't think Grambling should change coaches like a Motorcycle.

This has been a Year of Needy Things, with having 58 Reasons Bishop Sycamore was exposed and one of them was ruining Drew Pearson's Hall of Fame. HBCU's are generally home of Social Advancement and Non-Violence, and Coach Prime going PSE over 4 and 5 Stars Majors Took For Granted is Not Good.

There is nothing really good around Jackson, and the fact Mississippi has no Football Leaders has me upset. A good credit check would show that Deion Sanders would not make a Good Candidate at anywhere else and we would be doing the Hugh Freeze all over again.

The Division I Poll Direction based on if Omicron shut us down this Winter and Spring. I would feel like I would throw money at a or making of a Black Iowa if I knew their leadership is serious. If it was West Virginia, you'd have a Space Age Program in Comparison to Jackson State.

We have not had a Public Sweep in HBCU Football in Championships Since Florida A and M since 1978. I would feel that the NCAA History of HBCU Football has been rife with Devastation and Disappointment, and having to answer the Angry Hex (Dallas ISD) would not be automatically answered before 2031.

This is essentially a Mascot For Your Entertainment and nothing more. There is no real interest to Safe Crack North Dakota State's Fall Run with a Major Asterisk over 2020, and the only way to upset it is to merge the Current Day FBS and FCS Divisions.

Monday, December 20, 2021

Bo Nix has more interest Impersonating College Football than Honoring College Football

 I would feel angry that Bo Nix has more interest Impersonating College Football than Honoring College Football. And, I would despise the Transfer Portal especially if you went from Top of the Line to NAIA where the only way to get Royalty Money is Win the Championship.

What I don't like Out West is Washington and Washington State are Zoos, Oregon is the Bird Chicken Man, Oregon State put 0 Effort in Inglewood, UCLA is a Year From Being Found Out, and USC still is a Zoo. The methodology behind these moves is terrible, if not horrible.

I never liked the Bryan Harsin Hire because it has to be the Royal Scam not having to finish Mississippi State and having the Majority of the Iron Bowl and the Difference is Alabama overpowering a Playoff Berth.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Westdale Mall is the Most Haunted Commercial Real Estate Property in America!

 I feel that without exaggeration, the Westdale Mall Property is the Most Haunted Commercial Real Estate Property in America! The fact is it is not a real relief not having Cold Cases this Christmas Running like the Drake Relays in Public for the 1st Time Since Episode IV Year (1977) this Christmas in Eastern Iowa is not anything to take comfort in.

Cedar Rapids is where the Kennedy Curse gets nasty and unforgiving. And, with losing Michelle Martinko all these years ago, it not only was a Permanent Disruption not only to the Kennedy and Cedar Rapids Communities and having Great Alumni or Otherwise Great Alumni rot had they Graduated Worse than West Virginia, but, it was the edge of Teen Culture and its latter ingredients where left in the open.

My State gets into a Nasty Habit of keeping properties for too long than they deserve. Cedar Rapids is really playing Chicken With the Train with JCPenney's Last Christmas and I'd still feel the Shell of the Westdale Mall in my Soul, and it being a Wild West is not flattering or a compliment to Blue Collar Cedar Rapids.

I feel Cedar Rapids is holding on to Westdale Mall for far too long and they are beating the Bad Habit like the Screaming Drum for keeping up with Bare Bone Minimum. I did not kid that Mr. and Mrs. Stonebreaker did not want School Security to be an issue and I feel that even if Friday was the Last Calendar Day of School for 2021, that would have been a Hard Two Weeks at Home.

My City does not like to bring up Curses like the Cubs and the Red Sox, and that's why they hate Andretti's, too, but, we are collecting them like Unemployed People being Department Store Santa instead of Uncle Dave having to be that for little money, like other Mall Santas.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Would Lincoln Riley's USC Act Superior to the Death Penalty?

 I would wonder if the most frightening thing in Sports is Acting Superior to the Death Penalty or acting like Consequences either for not a Properly Run Program or Properly Financed Program don't exist. I am thinking the realities of South Central LA in deterring neighborhood interest in their team, but, the whole City of Los Angeles actually having an interest in USC-UCLA as opposed to just Living in Los Angeles.

I would think the 2022 USC Trojans would be a Worse Program than what was found, and that would be a Proper Reaction. This is Sports in the American West and you'd get what you'd get for Stiffing Dean Blevins.

The emotions would be either I am staying because Caleb Williams is staying at Oklahoma or I am leaving because Caleb Williams is transferring to USC. What that would do in the Oklahoma City Market is bring back the Bad Old Habits of Oklahoma Sooners Football and not another Southern Iowa or a Pissed Fortune.

USC Trojans Football has been sick for 13 Years and the brevity of the Sickness would have no idea how deep or Unaware or Cavalier to the Death Penalty USC's Administration is. The truth is some of their Alumni is not on Speaking Terms, and that costs Scholarships and Money.

It would be expensive to Operate LA Olympic Memorial Coliseum with it being Majority Empty and their would be a Stand Off about having to motion a New Football Stadium when the Money Opens Up. It would begin and end with Players Transferring, Kids Transferring to USC where on the Hush Hush they where Creeps at their Old School.

The Olympics would get on USC's Case for a Replacement Coliseum. And, I would feel it would cost worse Money if they had to earn 2 Hard Death Penalty Years and that would carve right into the Baby Boomlet and by the time it was a Program Restart, it would be Conference Games Only for another 2 Years and by the Decade's End, it would start a lengthy roll on being a Homecoming Date for a Decade.

Wherever it would roam, it would be 10 Years or More Without a Conference Championship and the Olympic Stadium Push would bump Newer Energy next decade, but, it would not help USC the Program beyond a few key dates.

What Would it Have Took for Mr. X to Snook a Nobel Peace Prize in Real Life?

 I wonder if the subplot of my Favorite Simpsons Episode, "The Computer that Wore Menace Shoes" was where Mr. X took a Nobel Peace Prize in Real Life? 1st of All, Science would not be happy, and the difference between why it's the Nobel Science Prize and Nobel Peace Prize is fuzzier than the Big Bang Theory's Plot.

If it came from literally nowhere, instead of working at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, that would be cause for concern and alarm. The "Controlling Our Minds With Flu Shots" quip became motto in the George W. Bush 2000's and we paid for it with our Homes and Jobs.

There'd be friendly upsets, and there'd be Mad Upsets. This is one of them and trust me, it would not be pretty. The Nobel Peace Prize had to give permission for "A Beautiful Mind" to be filmed in the 1st Place.

This would not be someone who'd recycle in and out of Hospitals and Jails, and if it was instead of someone who'd have a Mathematical Theory or Arc I would not understand, Community Support would go in the toilet.

If we went about the Mr. X Methodology, because we have seen it on TV and DVD too many times to count, it would roil those at University who's $$$$$ keeps them at Work.

SCORE! South Oak Cliff is Dallas Independent's 1st Flagpole Since January 1991 in High School Football!

 SCORE! South Oak Cliff is Dallas Independent's 1st Flagpole State Football Champions since January 1991 in High School Football! The reason this is an angry score is Liberty Hill did not want to let Oak Cliff go that easy.

This is not Cy-Fair from a Few Years Back, and the reason why the Sunset to 1950 II Curse is buried, which is an angrier curse than the Billy Goats and the Bambino, is how Dallas Carter Lost is when Dallas Independent was exposed using School Money on 60 Minutes to keep their Infamous 1988 Texas 5A State Championship Run alive.

The Score was basically Older Black Generation X'ers not having it with who'd be the True Best Ever, and Aledo was socked left and right by South Oak Cliff. In Texas, that is an invitation to a Fight, and an instant one at that.

I'd believe that this would be the 1st Inner City High School Football Champions in Texas since that aforementioned formality and what Black Dallas says went to Witness Protection in San Antonio, being a Reference to Converse Judson. The anger in San Antonio and one of the angriest games in Bexar Stadium history came in Real Time on December 10th, 1988 and that denied a Championship Rivalry between Odessa Permian and Converse Judson. (Actually, the actual Championship Path happened once in 1995, when Rocketball Rounded into its prime and MOJO fell from its peak.)

A lot of things from School and Law Changed, and better yet, we almost never had Peyton Manning at Rocky Top. The Anti-Gambling thing really came up and Nationally, besides Jesse Armstead getting defensive and territorial about Championships, Washington and everyone in King County still is pissed off about not being an Outright National Champion once.

Matty D Can't Be Stealing Moms!

 I feel one of the bad habits that Matt DiBenedetto has made for himself that is not good is Stealing Moms! I don't think had it not been for a Playoff Run nearly 2 Years Ago, Austin Cindric would have been a Wood Brother.

I feel that there have been guys and girls whose Auto Racing Career has restarted with an Out of the Blue Phone Call. I don't think Matty D is one of them. And, also, iRacing would have been a Crutch in lieu of Actual Racing and Actual Social and Behavioral Skills.

What is a joke is Matty D had more Bro Fans than anyone, and a lot of up and coming Racers would either have Kids or Families. The Wood Brothers is a Very Major Bridge and even Michael Waltrip kept his Career Alive through the Shocker, which Wood Brothers Historians and NASCAR Historians would have said Thriller and I would detest Michael Jackson, for reasons.

If you are part of a Heavyweight Auto Racing or an Auto Racing Superteam, be Bankable. Matty D would not have done Kentucky otherwise, or if Kentucky was still defended aggressively enough to block Austin from entering.

I would not want Work From Home Supplement Behavioral and Social Skills, which a lot of people have done, and we would have needed 2007 and Beyond Babies or Young Adults when they'd be of Age even worse.

Trust me, that won't be pretty.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Accountability is Not China!

 I feel enraged that School Security and Women's Justice have perversely been put on the Front Burner. I feel like I am madly enraged instead of encouraged that these issues are taking up space. I feel all of it is a Drug Culture and there has to be a Lengthy and Hard Look at how China and Russia are egging on the Drug Culture.

Certainly, my reflex is "What Carter Lost", and at some point, where the Gambling Money is Coming From is a Serious Problem. Being Globally and Socially Responsible is Privileges, Perks and Responsibilities and you don't want to lose these 3.

What TikTok is egging on is having too many Punks skating on by and that is upsetting because I would have no interest in Dating, and Experiences would Cost $ and the Enjoyment of $aid Experiences takes a bit more.

Having to speak from experience, especially if there is no promises I'd have to start from scratch later, and it doesn't stop with the getting of the Food and the Merchandise, and it helps the CD and DVD Sales and that is stuff we actually want to replay.

We don't have a lot of Jobs and People See Interior Design and How You'd Act or React When You'd Remotely Work. Sadly, most people do not know better and they should and that is upsetting.

12172021 National Championship of College Football

 This is the 1st Full Day of the National Championship of College Football for 2021 and there is no sense of letting go, either.

3 Waco Subregion

22 Iowa 10-8 0 0 0 0-0  10-9

11 Alabama 12-7 14 16 9 17-56 13-7

27 NC State 10-3 0 0 0 0-0 10-4

6 Baylor 11-3 10 7 3 3-23 12-3

3 San Antonio Subregion

19 Oregon 11-5 0 0 0 0-0 11-6

14 Houston 11-2 17 14 21 7-59 12-2

30 Army 8-4 7 7 8 8-30 7-37 8-5

3 UTSA 12-1 7 7 8 8-30 13-43 13-1

4 Logan Subregion

23 Arizona State 8-5 0 0 0 0-0 8-6

10 Northern Illinois 9-4 10 17 3 3-33 10-4

26 Ohio State 10-6 7 0 7 0-14 10-7

7 Utah State   10-3 7 7 0 7-21 11-3

2 Lafayette Subregional

18 Notre Dame 13-4 0 0 0 0-0 13-5

15 Wake Forest 11-2 10 17 13 10-50 12-2

31 Tulsa 6-6 10 7 3 2-22 7-6

2 Louisiana 12-1 0 0 0 0-0 12-2

4 Provo Subregional

21 Kent State 7-6 7 0 7 7-21 8-6

12 Oklahoma State 11-2 0 0 0 0-0 11-3

28 Ole Miss 12-3 7 7 0 7-21 6-27 13-3

5 BYU 11-3 8 0 6 7-21 3-24 11-4

1 Pittsburgh Subregional

20 Western Kentucky 8-5 7 0 7 7-21 9-5

13 Appalachian State 10-3 0 7 0 0-7 10-4

29 Fresno State 11-3 7 14 7 3-31 12-3

 4 Pitt                 14-2 0 0 0 0-0 14-3

I was not going to let Pitt Slide with a Playoff Run because I would rather Go About the 2000's.

2 Ann Arbor Subregional

24 Oklahoma 11-4 21 7 7 8-43 12-4

9 Utah 10-4 3 0 0 0-3 10-5

25 C. Michigan 8-4 0 0 0 0-0 8-5

8 Michigan 12-4 7 3 3 2-15 13-4

1 Cincinnati Subregional

17 San Diego State 12-3 14 7 0 7-28 13-3

16 Georgia      12-4 7 0 0 0-7 12-5

32 Georgia State 9-5 7 0 7 7-21 10-5

1 Cincinnati 13-1 0 7 7 0-14 13-2

Regional Finals

3 Waco Subregion


11 Alabama 13-7 @ 6 Baylor 12-3

3 San Antonio Subregion

Houston @ San Antonio

14 Houston 12-2 @ 3 UTSA 13-1

4 Logan Subregion

10 Northern Illinois 10-4 @ 7 Utah State 11-3

2 Lafayette Subregion

31 Tulsa 7-6 vs. 15 Wake Forest 12-2

4 Provo Subregion

This is the Part of the Bracket that I am going off the Handle and Spout about the 2000's.

28 Ole Miss 13-3 vs. 21 Kent State 8-6

1 Pittsburgh Subregion

29 Fresno State 12-3 vs. 20 Western Kentucky 9-5

2 Ann Arbor Subregion

If this was Real Life, it would be the 1st Time Oklahoma and Michigan met at either Ann Arbor or Norman ever in their History

24 Oklahoma 12-4 @ 8 Michigan 13-4

1 Cincinnati Subregion

32 Georgia State 10-5 vs. 17 San Diego State 13-3

And All 8 Games are Hall of Fame Qualifiers on 12282021.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

If Lewis Hamilton Rage-Quits, That is a Bad Image for Sports!

 Lewis Hamilton is not a Consummate Sportsman. He is not an Ambassador. In Reality, he is a Shill and a Shrill Poor Loser. I have a feeling we will get tired of Lewis Hamilton in the end.

The only way Daniel Hemric worked would have been Daniel Hemric had to Win in Phoenix. I get very tired of having to throw Prince Harry $ at Someone Who Does Not Deserve It. If Lewis Hamilton Rage-Quits, That is a Bad Image for Sports!

It would be great to snook Scores like we would be happy for them, but, it would be Social Media Numbers and not actual Work. Real Numbers and Real Work would have been T-Shirts, Hats and Diecasts.

T-Shirts, Hats and Diecasts would be if we had literally an All Hometown Formula One Team in Cedar Rapids. To be proving I am not bluffing, it would be having to be Alma Mater at Certain High School or College.

And it goes further, especially if you are hellbent on leather to Graduate College and if that was Mustang instead of Hawkeye, Iowa would stick their neck out for Outreach. Outreach does not work for the best, and I'd have a feeling it won't work with Haas or Alfa Romeo.

We need Good Things out of Sports, not a Country Song. I feel frustrated if not pissed off if we had to go into Bayou Classic Territory for Formula One, let alone be Territorial and Inappropriate, among other things.

Iowa Territory is all over the World and you can't change that Tiger Stripe, especially if I want to see that Territory be World Class.

Mr. and Mrs. Stonebraker Did Not Suffer For School Security Issues!

 What I was going to say is that I was deep down, hoping for a Peaceful, Non Cold Case Free Holiday in the Public for the 1st Time Since Episode IV Year of Star Wars. I'd rather have a Normal Winter Weather Conditions than having to be wadded up for 90 Days!

But, it really is an irritant and an intoxicant that Mr. and Mrs. Stonebraker did not suffer for School Security Issues! I cannot stand for School Security Issues, especially if it is any time of year!

Morally and ethically, this is not OK and you can't be encouraging people to stay home and cut into their livelihoods. It is a Kick in the Butt to have no way to enjoy a Normal Winter like Last Winter and we'd get nothing to show for it this Winter, other than snooping and digging through the Backchannels of the Internet like it is a Sewer.

It is a Pain that we don't have the things for the Hard Copies and that requires Love. Not necessarily the Love that would make Brother In Laws, or Sister In Laws, but the Love that you don't want to Collect Money like the Bill Collector and we are all getting older.

And the third rail is legally, because just having 2 Weeks Off where People are not in a Good Mood is Not Good!

I am not thrilled with Jackson Mahomes!

 It's all fun and games until you'd have to sell your things you'd otherwise be a fixture at. Sadly, I feel Jackson Mahomes's Behavior is Insecure, Edgy, and Uncomfortably Relatable. Any one of those three things are tough enough, but, 2 out of the 3 or even 3 out of the 3 are not good.

I feel frustration that I wish that the Chiefs would be more interested in Media Training the Guy just to get him to not do his thing. This is not an era where being hip is good and the reflex of being a Mascot is a Gag Reflex.

The Chiefs didn't need Patrick Mahomes in the matter other teams needed a Draft Pick. I swear angrily that the Core of this is Patrick Mahomes does not have any Social Skills and the worst thing to hold a Relationship Together is "What Are You Gonna Do For Money?"

If Patrick Mahomes was 37, we'd have a Veteran, Elder Statesman, Future Hall of Fame Leader that is Supreme and Unquestioned. These boxes would be easier to check off if Bad Habits weren't allowed to lurk and creep and just because Mahomes cracked the safe of the Chiefs NFL History doesn't mean he's beloved Nationally.

Beloved would have been for Phillip Rivers, and these Safes and Briefcases don't Crack Themselves. I would not be thrilled if someone did his dance on the # everyone in the Mid-Atlantic won't issue for reasons, and I am not thrilled if the quality of Football has gone down in Kansas and Missouri, either.

Tony Khan has to Stop Thinking like its 852 Million Viewers

 What Tony Khan is thinking is he has an 852 Million Person Viewership. Dark and Elevation would be promoted to Front Channel TV if he had 852 Million Viewers. Reality Hurts and I don't think most of the AEW Fan Base is able to handle reality well.

If it was 852 Million Viewers instead of 852 Thousand, it would be easier to print merchandise. Granted, this is in an age where not everyone has Cable or Satellite, and it gets trickier. If Brodie Lee where alive, we would have crept into the 8 Digit Club, and had Jon Moxley not gone to Rehab, it would have been solidly in that Club.

I feel that the biggest Monument was not treating Big Swole right and that had much to do with the Interlopers and She had an Actually Good Entry Theme. I am feeling that Moxley left irreversible damage to the Development of All Elite Wrestling and AEW, the Organization's Blind Spot is having to actually develop New Wrestlers in House.

Even though that is an asterisk because we haven't gone anywhere in the Worldwide Pandemic, but, I feel that Tony Khan is tempted to make the Bump Hires because they are frustrated at WWE and whatever Cuts or Losses that happen are going to leave a mark on the Company.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Elon Musk has a Pandemic of the Collar!

 Elon Musk has a Pandemic of the Collar in this Pandemic! I am a Man, and a Gentleman, and I hate Tesla worse than Alfa Romeo. That is not an Understatement and when asked, I want Chuck Bown's Busch Grand National Nestea Pontiac instead.

I want to see NASA Restored for a myriad of reasons and a lot of them are the Woman Hating Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos. If these creeps where in a Proper Company, their Beavis and Butthead Mistakes would equal firing.

I am not irrational and this is not an act and I feel this is a Serious Problem that Elon Musk takes the Universe's Money without earning it.

12152021 Wild Card Round of the National Championship of College Football

 33 UAB 8-4  0 0 0 0-0 8-5

32 Georgia State 8-5 10 17 3 3-33 9-5

12172021 Regional Semifinals of the National Championship of College Football

3 Waco Subregion

22 Iowa 10-8 vs. 11 Alabama 12-7

27 NC State 10-3 @ 6 Baylor 11-3

3 San Antonio Subregion

19 Oregon 11-5 vs. 14 Houston 11-2

30 Army 8-4 @ 3 UTSA 12-1

4 Logan Subregion

23 Arizona State 8-5 vs. 10 N. Illinois 9-4

26 Ohio State 10-6 @ 7 Utah State 10-3

2 Lafayette Subregion

18 Notre Dame 13-4 vs. 15 Wake Forest 11-2

31 Tulsa 6-6 @ 2 Louisiana 12-1

4 Provo Subregion

21 Kent State 7-6 vs. 12 Oklahoma State 11-2

28 Ole Miss 12-3 @ 5 BYU 11-3

1 Pittsburgh Subregion

20 W. Kentucky 8-5 vs. 13 Appalachian State 10-3

29 Fresno State 11-3 @ 4 Pitt 14-2

2 Ann Arbor Subregion

24 Oklahoma 11-4 vs. 9 Utah 10-4

25 C. Michigan 8-4 @ 8 Michigan 12-4

1 Cincinnati Subregion

17 San Diego State 12-3 vs. 16 Georgia 12-4

32 Georgia State 9-5 @ 1 Cincinnati 13-1

SPIES! I Am Gutted that Dan "Cartman" Snyder Would Lower Himself to that Tactic!

 SPIES! I feel that I am gutted that Dan "Cartman" Snyder and Bruce "Butters" Allen would lower themselves to that tactic! Those two greasers would enable a 3rd Greaser, Steve Baldwin, and he greased not only Women's Soccer, but Women's Sports in a City that had 0 Business hosting a Championship, but, he greased a Women's Soccer Championship along the way.

It feels like Washington DC is the biggest customer of Grease and Grease By-Products. Sadly, that is not a Joke. This is the District of Champions DC or even the Nobody's Going to Mess With Me DC. We don't see either of that.

I even wanted to go as far as an All Undefeated Super Bowl, which has never happened before and almost happened 2 Different Ways and 11 Plays out of Thousands out of the Same Year, 1999, but, that was not just Sports Entertainment. I wanted a Buffalo-Dallas III especially on Dallas's End, especially when Philadelphia did a Mid 1970's Green Bay Packers or a Mid 1970's Baltimore Colts on America without even trying to and the Giants punted on Tristan Wirfs.

Everyone in Washington DC does not take kindly to Spies! And, that would include why their Current Sports Hero is Russian and not American. That hack act would have flown in New York City, but, it was  a National Security and an International Security Washington DC.

It's been a 23 Year Coma in Old DC and I don't think any of us like it.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

What Would Alan Kulwicki Do?

 I feel that it is permanently etched into my memory having my Dad tell me Alan Kulwicki died and not believing it for a Day and a Half in 1993. I did not want to believe it and the shock of not wanting to believe it was made real by Peter Jellen's Solemn Hauler Lap.

I feel that I miss Single Owner-Operators and if that was me, I would want to Bring Me and My Interest to the Sport. It is not fair, and I wouldn't want to be Soft or Trust My In-Laws, because In-Laws are Temporary.

I'd wanted Kulwicki to live long enough to win the Brickyard 400. The emotions of Ricky Rudd's Biggest Win are Raw because Alan Kulwicki or Davey Allison never got a Brickyard 400 Start worse than Pontiac not going winless again. I would feel Raw about the 2nd 6 Safe Cracker for Reasons especially if I don't need General Managers or Embezzlement $ or Buckets of Embezzlement $ and I would have jumped up and down like Madison had it been Year 22 Dale Earnhardt,Jr. or Year 28 Ward Burton Going With the Cup Trophy to Disney World.

Literally nobody would have signed up for that kind of Punishment or Cruelty. 

Monday, December 13, 2021

The Program that Wins the Arch Manning Show is Going to Have to Be Stable

 I feel that the Program that Wins the Arch Manning Show is Going to Have to Be Stable. When I do mean Stable, it would have to be no Problem Transfers getting Rich off of Ohio State, or NCAA Violations.

What I would see is having to see Stability or Contact Stability, especially if on a 1st Tag Basis, having a 1st Conference Championship since Vietnam Years or Americana. I would not want a Manning to waste Valuable Swag only to have him Change his mind later.

I would think that these Impulsive Moves have a Real Effect on these Program's Futures. I do not like having to cope with Apathetic Characters but instead, 2027 NFL Draft Picks.

I would think amid other things, I don't want it to be an endless recruiting pitch, especially if Arch Madness didn't just Overwhelm Eastern Iowa, but, took the energy out of town.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Never Make a Woman "Legally Single", Kanye!

 The only Post-Lady Gaga Kanye West I liked was the "New God Flow" and the all time CD Cut in the Editing Hall of Shame was not leaving the 2012 BET Awards Cut on his Cruel Summer Album. Instead, I got the Ghostface Killa burn, which was a Classic in its own right.

Kanye West is a Bigger Dog than James Brown, and that is not an honor, having to reserve something my Aunts and My Mom's Friends had to do, which is be Legally Single. That is not good.

Chicago's Behavior reflects on this Market, too, and that hurts. I wouldn't want Kim K be a Special Guest of Mine, even if it was to bail me out of Prison. I feel that the reticence of having to have Madonna take your case on and then, as a Woman herself, pull out because it would cost $ is not a good image.

I wouldn't want to be tied to Kim K, because that would be a problem having to be tied to a Worse Curse than the Cubs and the Red Sox. I'd rather want Star Development if that was me, and the Star Crunch is painful and I couldn't keep it away with Little Debbies if I tried.

I'm blue for "Home of (This Star or Starlet) Here)" State Championship Sign, which is a bit much even for those who are used to those signs. 

Quinn Ewers is another Todd Marinovich

 Quinn Ewers is another Todd Marinovich, only a lot worse. How much worse, should I ask? 

For starters, Tom Herman's Botching of his Recruitment got him Fired Later On. That is not the end of it.

Then, he decides to Bolt for being a Buckeye, leaving a Major Black Eye to the Home of the Playoffs.

But wait, there's more.

He changed the High School Sports Scene in Dallas Fort Worth, Texas, and Nationally by Graduating a Year Early and Rushing to Become a Buckeye.

Don't tell me they haven't been burned by this before, right?


He managed to snook a Million Principled Dollars the Buckeyes do not have now and he is Not Curt Flood! He is Todd Marinovich!

Instead of being Prisoner to the Current, he is too wildly mobile for his Own Liking and I probably do believe Texas won't want him in the House, and Texas Tech is going to get a Major Downgrade for his foolishness.

What Southlake Carroll left us was the Material Phase of High School Football and Sports and we have been feasting off of it. I feel guilty and mad that I miss the camaraderie and the joy of High School and Scholastic Sports and not the embarrassment and the shame of who got Arrested or is Up to No Good.

The material stuff can still happen, but, I feel guilt about everyone thinking they are either Odessa Permian or Massillon.

Certainly, It Will Take More than a 12th Man to Spook Alabama!

 To be fair, I am chagrined Alabama took another Heisman as Ingram's on Merit, Henry's was because of a Weak College Football Year, Smith's was because Trevor couldn't make his Notre Dame Round, and this one was because they hated the Lane Train.

I probably do believe in 2 Years, the Spooks would be more regular as Vanderbilt and South Carolina would be more developed, Kentucky would be a Living Extension of the Old Capitol, Florida would be back to taking them anywhere.

We haven't had a Last Spring in High School Heisman approximately ever. When I mean ever, it is Letter Jacket Wearing, Basketball and Track and Field Positive Fixture in their Community. It frustrates High School Sports Fans and High School Fans that the Riff-Raff eats up that dedication.

To be fair, it helps Scholastic Sports if such a Move did Exist, and their High School didn't live for the Publicity. 

Saturday, December 11, 2021

National Championship of College Football 12152021 and 12172021

 Without further ado, here is my National Championship of College Football Matchups


33 UAB 8-4 vs. 32 Georgia State 8-5


3 Waco Subregion

22 Iowa 10-8 vs. 11 Alabama 12-7

27 NC State 10-3 @ 6 Baylor 11-3

3 San Antonio Subregion

19 Oregon 11-5 vs. 14 Houston 11-2

30 Army 8-4 @ 3 UTSA 12-1

4 Logan Subregion

23 Arizona State 8-5 vs. 10 N. Illinois 9-4

26 Ohio State 10-6 @ 7 Utah State 10-3

2 Lafayette Subregion

18 Notre Dame 13-4 vs. 15 Wake Forest 11-2

31 Tulsa 6-6 @ 2 Louisiana 12-1

4 Provo Subregion

21 Kent State 7-6 vs. 12 Oklahoma State 11-2

28 Ole Miss 12-3 @ 5 BYU 11-3

1 Pittsburgh Subregion

20 W. Kentucky 8-5 vs. 13 Appalachian State 10-3

29 Fresno State 11-3 @ 4 Pitt 14-2

2 Ann Arbor Subregion

24 Oklahoma 11-4 vs. 9 Utah 10-4

25 C. Michigan 8-4 @ 8 Michigan 12-4

1 Cincinnati Subregion

17 San Diego State 12-3 vs. 16 Georgia 12-4

33 UAB/32 Georgia State Winner @ 1 Cincinnati 13-1

12112021 College Football Poll

 1 Cincinnati      9-0 13-1

2 Louisiana        9-0 12-1

3 UTSA              8-1 12-1

4 Pitt                   8-1 14-2

5 BYU                       11-3

6 Baylor            8-2 11-3

7 Utah State      7-2 10-3

8 Michigan       9-1 12-4

9 Utah              9-1  10-4

10 N. Illinois   7-2  9-4

11 Alabama   8-1 12-7

12 Houston   8-1 11-2

13 Oklahoma State 8-2 11-2

14 Wake Forest  7-2 11-2

15 San Diego State 7-2 12-3

16 Appalachian State 7-2 10-3

17 Notre Dame                 13-4

18 Georgia        8-1 12-4

19 Oregon        7-3 11-5

20 W. Kentucky 7-2 8-5

21 Kent State    6-3 7-6

22 Iowa            7-3 10-8

23 Ole Miss      6-2 12-3

24 Fresno State 6-2 11-3

25 NC State       6-2 10-3

Will Sunset to 1950 II Be Buried Next Weekend?

 I am not going to say anything about South Oak Cliff winning the State Championship until it actually happens. But, I am wondering if the Most Infuriating Sports Hex, Sunset to 1950 II will be buried Next Weekend?

The rise was brought to you by the 1st Heavy Time in High School History, which High School and College still has not recovered, with the Black Generation Xers still saying Carter's Ill Gotten State Championship is in Witness Protection. Dallas Carter's Ill Gotten State Championship is Brought to You By Armed Robberies, Sexual Predators, and the Good Old Fashioned God, Guns, Girls and Money.

And, what else brought out of those Carter Boyz was the fact we have more Blacks in Prison than in High School and College. That is not anything to be proud of.

This is not Massillon, this is not Boston and this is not Chicago. I feel this would be an Emotion-o-meter most Texans and Americans are not ready for.

Hoover Buccaneer Football is a Cursed Job

 I feel with Hoover Buccaneers Football being a Cursed Job is just right. I don't like how they went about usurping the More Legit Programs in the South and Nationally without their permission, and forgiveness is harder to come by than Money.

When I mean forgiveness, I'd mean Paul Brown Massillon Forgiveness or John Wilkins Permian Forgiveness. The current Head Coach, Josh Niblett is not going to pursue another Head Coaching Job in Alabama because what else is there to offer after Hoover?

I'd feel the current crop of High School Students would be forgiven for not confusing the Army Issue Swag with the Real Deal Letter Jackets and the Hoover High School Administration can be forgiven for believing they'd have a Chicago Cubs or Boston Red Sox High School Job in the Southland, even if they either Loved the Governor, or acted indifferent to Him or Her coming to School.

No one is talking about Hoover like Valdosta and that is a Good Thing, but, I feel that what Hoover is missing is an Iowa City High Playbook, and I haven't seen a lot of Sunday Tickets coming out of that Hexed Region.

I Do Not Like Leaving Megan Rapinoe Unprotected in the NWSL Expansion Draft

 As a Sports Fan, I do not like leaving Women's Sports Starlet and Goddess Megan Rapinoe Unprotected in the NWSL Expansion Draft, because the NWSL does not have good priorities. Besides Most Men not having Megan Rapinoe and being angry they can't have her, it would be the NWSL's "Free Tibet" instead of Freeing Tibet, you'd free yourself some unwelcome scores of Women.

The score is Washington's Ownership is living and dying by the motto of "Live. Score. and Be Happy." as Most Women's Sports Fans do not like that and the anger would be the dying by the motto and not just living by the motto.

Leaving Rapinoe open pisses me off! If I was Her General Manager, or even Husband or Boyfriend, god forbid, I would have some long hard talks with the Commissioner. I couldn't do Relationships like that well, and I am aware that Rapinoe is Engaged to be Married to Sue Bird and that would be a Slap in the Face to the Pacific Northwest's Long Suffering Women's Community to even insinuate such a thing.

I feel this move is an F U to Merritt Paulson and his Sleazy General Manager, who has since been suspended. I wish that Portland would work hard on sticking to Sports instead of being a Big Market Cedar Rapids Jefferson.

Friday, December 10, 2021

The Leader of the Wild West, Mark Reiland is Gone!

 I'll never be a Wild Iowa City West because I am a Play for the Iowa City High, but, having to play with Iowa City's Olympic Fortune is Dangerous. Losing Mark Reiland is a Big Loss on a Heavy Friday and not a Good Heavy.

I feel that Wild Iowa City West has been a Wild West since Liberty High opened up a Few Years Ago and the fact is that there is no Leader at West High is Flooring. This "West Side Story" has became more of a Wild West, for all intents and purposes.

The dangerous thing is the alumni will get impatient for the 1st Time without any leaders, and that is not a good thing. I would feel that What Does Wild West have?

We Should Free Ourselves Ben Roethlisberger!

 Ben Roethlisberger is the not harmless meme of the Pittsburgh Steelers. He actually is a detriment to City, Team, Organization and Culture. The mockery of those Great Things especially with Le'Veon Bell and Antonio Brown tarnishes Big Ben's Pro Football Legacy.

And, that leaves Mike Tomlin with having to helm a Rebuilding Steelers. Generally, the Steelers where the model of having to sign everyone of their Draft Class, Avoiding Holdouts, and not reaching in for Undrafted Players.

What would make me rage is as in TV Ratings, and had Aaron Donald been a Steeler instead of a Ram, we'd sell a lot more posters and have Crushing TV Ratings. What we'd have is Success instead of Culture and that is not knowing or being ignorant of Franchise Histories.

The Steelers Culture is longer and more sustained than that of the Baltimore Colts and Green Bay Packers heydays and if it was not Bus's Tackle, the "One For the Thumb" Chant would still be done. What is alienated in Steeler Country is the Jacket Backer and for every NFL Thing we have made, there is guilt that the Jacket Backer has not been brought up.

I Would Lose Respect for Tony Elliott if Oregon Came to Stoop In

 I would lose respect for Tony Elliott if Oregon Came to Stoop In to take advantage of his Uncertain Wave to Virginia. The reality is Oregon does not need a Plant to replace Cristobal. 

I feel if Virginia misses this hire, it would be all them, and I want them to break their Conference Hex. Them and Duke are going neck and neck for the same hire, and Duke is going at it like leverage.

If Oregon had a Plant, it would cause the Leaving Los Angeles exodus to worsen and they have not had anyone long term since Mike Bellotti. Oregon does not need Plants.

What Oregon would do is further worsen key programs and I doubt if it was Alabama vs. Oregon in the Rose Bowl, the gravity would have lent closer to Alabama. The West will be chaotic for another 5 Years and I doubt they are an Arch Manning away from solving their problems ago.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Louisville is Going With No Rudders!

 The shots, sadly, have been fired in a Chaotic City of Louisville, which should know better than placing Sucker Bets. Since Louisville lost their 2013 National Championship they rightfully stole (to Wichita's Chagrin) over Kevin Ware, in 2018, it has been chaos.

Their President left for the Hated Penn State University, their Athletic Director tried to leave for Florida State until Louisville's Trustees caught wind and made him leave. This is one of the most competitive High School Sports markets in the Country and your leaving Scott Satterfield with nothing?

It would be so amusing if there was not the Ohio catching Fire like Cleveland in the Early 1970's. Sadly, it is the wrong kind of fire. This is the Same Louisville that allowed Colonel Scarface (Rick Pitino) to overstay his welcome. If someone had to earn Season 25, through namely everything Daria, it would be Louisville.

I am sure we are on the Mister X Phase of Louisville Athletics and the joke is getting older. It could be so easy for someone uneducated to run a Class University into a Bigger and more Broken Mount Mercy like it was Case Closed.

Knowing Cedar Rapids enough, sadly, it is never Case Closed. It's the Home of Muhammad Ali and sadly, if the Greatest was here, he'd split at his City not doing a Level Effort. To be fair, since that aformentioned Collar of a Championship Season, Louisville has not shown focus.

Chip Kelly would not be Suspicion Proof at Oregon!

 The Oregon Ducks are decimated and the most annoying thing the University of Oregon is doing is having to snatch their Leader that brought them their Wildest Success and left an ember of Storm Clouds on the Sport. It is a bad deal all the way home, especially if No One in Los Angeles is Wound Up Enough for UCLA-USC.

UCLA Alumni are always tired of being hit for every little thing. For Oregon, it would be the Ultimate Sucker Move, and Oregon does not have the Boosters to Go Fishing in that Matter. Chip Kelly is singlehandedly responsible for Worsening Good Programs with those Break Neck Moves.

Oregon is not ready to disappear like the Calgary Flames in the Standings. Instead, they are in a Simpsonian Cling to being a Playoff Team when they have been called out as the Bird Chicken Man of College Sports and they'd make SMU look Minor League.

I'd Still Stand On Having the Houston Aeros!

 It's good that the Arizona Coyotes paid their Lien. What is not good is it should have never came to that, even for the Age Old Joke Hockey People don't make Good Business People. Even if Badger Bob Johnson was Hockey Commissioner, he'd still would want to deflect the Badger that is the Coyotes Front Office.

There is nothing amusing about this whole episode and I would push for the Houston Aeros's National Hockey League Debut. The fact is that the Aeros after a while will be happy and stable and not a serious joke in Hockey.

The Coyotes's Business Shaft effects everything in Phoenix. It hurts everything around the Organization and the energy around the Club is not good.

Certainly, I am not laughing and this is not a Laughing Matter.

What Would the Houston Aeros Bring to Houston Sports Market?

 I am thinking that the Houston Aeros to NHL Gravy Train is only going in One Direction: Full Speed Ahead! I would feel that the Hockey Hall of Fame would need to clear up Records, for Reasons, especially if we had to do Later Versions of Said Teams.

It would eliminate the problems of Back Pay of the Current Day Arizona Coyotes, which where sent down to Phoenix only as a Real Estate Swap and a Promise to honor the Twin Cities by Commissioner Bettman. It won't all be all fun, and I felt they should have done this 3 Years Ago.

Speaking of Out of Your Way, having to keep the Books Clear would help win an Unlikely Deep Stanley Cup Playoffs or Final Run before Seattle would clear a Winnable Run. The Astros would go out of their Way to be Annoying, especially to us in Cedar Rapids, The Texans would go out of their way to be Bad and Worse, The Rockets would go out of their way to do absolutely nothing and be happy about it, The Dynamo and the Dash would go out of their way to be Plants or Fixtures in Soccer.

What the Aeros Revival would bring is no Expansion Draft, but having to civilize a Club that needs it. It would push NHL Expansion further down the road, as in having it happen sooner than just 4 Years or 17 Years.

It would make use of one of the Best High School Sports Markets in the Country, if not the most competitive in America, too.

Car Guys Do Not Like Arrests!

 I feel since having 2 of the 3 Most Recent Behavioral Violations in NASCAR be of the Arrest Variety and the key Driving School Variety be Schooled on Arrests, Car Guys do not like Arrests! I know a lot of our Cultural Degradation is mainly because we don't have Dads, or having honorable Son In Laws, but, Car Guys Do Not Like Arrests.

If I was an Owner, I would not give a Car or Equipment to Recidivists. Discipline Raps are One Thing, but Recidivists are another Story. Sports should be Fun and when I mean Fun, I don't mean Plea Bargaining with a Good Attorney.

Racing Fans would hate people who are addicts, and I wouldn't want a Polarizer just take the fun or the attention away from people who'd actually work for it. I don't want Racing to get where Fame got Stale, and that is a Problem.

And, generally, people like or hate you based on your family. That is true and if your Family can't behave around people appropriately, that is a Big Problem. Sports should be an Escape from the World, not a Microcosm of the World, and that should be a Big Matter.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Would Tony Khan's Honeymoon Period Be Lidded over Chris Jericho's Future?

 I feel that Tony Khan's Honeymoon Period is putting it wildly blunt. I feel that AEW can't afford to lose either JR or Chris Jericho, both Original WWE Raids, for any reason.

I probably think with Season 4, the Wheels will fall off the Bus, especially if AEW has invented a new problem of being too chaotic to exist. The 1st 2 Years Would be Pandemic Related, This Year is more of the No More Freebies Year and Season 4 would be the Put Up or Shut Up.

The bluntness would come from Atlanta and since Sinclair is going Bye-Bye and no one has an appetite for Politics, or Sinclair's General Monopolization in General, it would be meaning Promotions and Wrestlers would pop up out of the Woodwork.

AEW wasting CM Punk is a Crime, or better yet, a Felony, and them having Woman Hating Colt Cabana and Sammy Guevara on the Payroll is a Sore Spot. Especially if Mr. Khan wants to go out of his way to be inclusive.

This is a Big Problem and Tony Khan is doing his best to keep Ric Flair away. It is a sore subject that Ric Flair is wanting to throw his Body and Soul in the Wrestling Ring and the fact it will never be the Undertaker or a State Senator honor is a Sore Spot for People.

What AEW cannot fix is Moxley is Responsible for all these Children's Development and I am more of wanting a Fight Commission than hating Vince McMahon, which is true, and I don't see me doing Eddie Kingston in the Lunchline without getting some hard looks by people who'd have to work for a living, like it was the Rock or Stone Cold Steve Austin Promos.

Would We Be Lured By a Toyota Supra Pro Stocker?

 I don't think the Ghost of Wally Parks would like it, but, I have a feeling that we'd need a Toyota Supra Pro Stocker in Later Years. I am squeeing with a Sense of Pride over the Funny Car Equal of that Car, and I'd feel Toyota Racing Development should put Real World Efforts into the Indy Car Scene again, which they where the Atlantic Series and it tailed off, and Pro Stock Car.

I've had my fun with the Ken Black (Las Vegas) and Elite (Oklahoma City) and the Winner Take All Championship Vibes. I feel that I would want to see a Toyota Pro Stock Commitment just to see a Restored Southern California Home Team Vibe in the NHRA.

I'd think that the Unstoppability of that Supra Funny Car would be Mad Real and it would not be hyperbole.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

On Pearl Harbor Morning, Buffalo's Non Answer Speaks Volumes

 The problem with having a Championship Hex is you can't get away with Mistakes. With Micah Hyde and Jordan Poyer's Press Conference, Buffalo's Non Answer to New England's Texas Victory speaks volumes.

Speaking of Non Answers, it feels frustrating that this is a High Expectation Year, especially if you wanted to play Keep Away from Brady and Gronk. It feels irritating on that Old School Astroturf, which is harder than Concrete, Mac Jones got away with a Concrete Game, and Buffalo feel for the Cockroaches.

Buffalo can't fall for the Cockroaches! Whenever Pearl Harbor Day is brought up, bad things would happen! I feel the intensity of the Pegulas is to throw their Eggs in One Basket, especially if they had to lock Josh Allen in the Face of a Buffalo Dome, but, that only made Baltimore look Bush, after Buffalo beat Baltimore in the Playoffs for the 1st Time in History.

The problem is Buffalo is Not Good Enough to be Falling for the Cockroaches. Or having OJ Ghoul our Halloween and Ghoul a Dolphins Win and Ghoul the Dolphins into a Run. I expected better out of Micah Hyde because he is an Iowa Man and I feel that I feel for the Orange Juice of a Buffalo Super Bowl out of fear that if it was not Undefeated, it wouldn't have been a Classic Super Bowl.

Everyone in Orchard Park knows Chris Smoove Moves and that would have been the Only Way to a Super Bowl. This year has been a Ghoul, and Buffalo played their hand early and often and they are out of hand.

Monday, December 6, 2021

Inventing Doctors at the U

 I feel that I love that Miami needed a Change of Energy and Scenery, but, I hate how they went about it. How they went about it is inventing Doctors at the U, like Real Doctors have enough.

And, these are the people that Saved Darrell Gwynn's Life more than Once. I feel it is Dr. Scarface instead of having to work for your Swag and on top of that, there always is a Female where she says "No More Swag!"

It is a Greek Curse and that Greek Curse has shaken up the Wild West and I warned you earlier today the Turnover Chain is Turned Over, but, I feel where will it end? Army?

I'd want my Holiday Season to include Maui, and I feel that the Boosters are getting pushier for an On Campus Stadium, or a New Coral Gables High.

There won't be a Consensus for Season 4 of the "Turnover Chain"!

 I really wish that Miami had a better, more effective way of communicating the Turnover Chain is turned over on Downs. It is disruptive that the School President does not have Manny Diaz's back.

It causes further disruptions when Miami has to go about disrupting the West, and I don't think Lincoln Riley adds a thing like Seth and Toby at Home. Miami having to make the Wild West the Wild West is a Not So Happy Throwback to the 1980's and the Lowcows have had more fun than Miami.

Miami is stuck in a Greek Curse, and their ACC Rivals have had the following: Pitt having won their 1st Outright in School History, Virginia has not claimed Conference Victory Ever, North Carolina has not won since LT, Duke has not won since the Team Photo and NC State has not won since the 1970's.

Conference Realignment is inevitable and Virginia Tech has their Longest Conference Hex in School History. Beamerball and the U's Conference Histories have crossed paths at the same time, and it is not fun both are at their Longest Conference Hex, along with Syracuse.

I would be a Sell, Sell, Sell,Sell with having to free from Under the President Army and Navy's Head Coaches to Oregon and that would be an issue.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

What about Season 25 of TRL or 106 and Park?

 I swear that someone has to minesweep an Iowa Dome in my Future to replace Carver and Kinnick. I don't know if it will have the machinations of having to move a Mecca Meowthinator like in Pokemon like in Miami, but, it has to be done.

I don't know if the Brandses will run out of Discipline or the Ferentzes think they are Coaching NCAA Football 22, but, there is frustrations left and right having to run into Ghosts and Emotion-o-meters.

The fact Mr. Ferentz doesn't have an Outright Remark in the Old Capitol is frustrating. I am National Scene First, and I am proud to be Commissioner of that. But, it is becoming Season 25 of TRL or Season 25 of 106 and Park and we are going out of our minds for Backstreet Boys or St. Louis and Nelly or Atlanta and Ludacris.

The reality is, even if we had a Star N NSYNC, they would not want to explode over Crowd Noise, because those Ladies have Young Adults now. And, we can't deny Pop Culture is split down the center.

The argument would be really Season 25 Daria where we'd see Every Stage, Wart, and Stretch Mark of Motherhood and Feminism, instead of dropping the ball at the Tenth Yard Line before Dropping the Ball at the Tenth Yard Line was cool.

Iowa has not won a Winter Men's Basketball since 1979, when Iowa was both Old Gold and the Fieldhouse, and Iowa has not had a Proper Conference Credit Since 2004, and Mr. Ferentz's Credits have been having Michigan Losses with a Seneca Jaunt, and Michigan Twice, especially if the Emotion-o-meter of School Security didn't happen, Michigan would have had Legal Tender Hex.

The proper, of Record, Hex, dates back to 1990, and boy, was that never a Good Day with Randal Hill Shooting them Out when Iowa had their Rose Parade. I am thinking the Next AD wants to actually replace Kinnick and Carver, and pushes the High School Coaches to make Local Hawks again.

Babies and Beauties!

 I get upset that Trevor Bauer is not in Jail, and I know we'd have to minesweep him and his Perviness before the US Marshals get on the Case. But, on a serious note, Sportsmanship is for the Kids and I'd appreciate focuses on Babies and Beauties.

A lot of this Poor Sportsmanship is Egged On either by Beer or Other Intoxicants or Other Sexual Behavior. I do not like having Womanizers and Creeps just mark Family Trees like El Barto or Mister X.

No one wants to see you thinking your Windvow, which he is Garfield the Cat in Comparison to Real Hall of Famers. Real First Ballot of Hall of Famers know when to say when.

I feel that there is not any truly Special People that would Break the Clock like Mount Vernon beating Solon and not stealing Mount Vernon's Economy from them. I'd want to yell "TIGERS!" in Frustration, but, that is not a way to get friends.

I admit, I'd miss Friends for actually wanting to do Healthy Stuff. It is constantly the trigger between High School and XO and generally, the Mail Lady knows if your Womanizing. 

I am tired and frustrated that the Expulsion Process needs to happen at School, and I don't want to talk about School Security and Injustices to Women.

12052021 College Football Poll

 1 Cincinnati     9-0   13-1  CLINCHED RS 17   25

2 Louisiana      9-0     12-1        T  B D                 24

3 UTSA           8-1      12-1       T B D                  23

4 Pitt               8-1      14-2      T B D                   22

5 BYU                         11-3     T B D                   21

6 Baylor           8-2      11-3      T B D                  20

7 Utah State     6-2       10-3      T B D                 19

8 Michigan        9-1    12-4        T B D                 18

9 Utah                9-1    10-4        T B D                17

10 N. Illinois       7-2     9-4       T B D                 16

11 Alabama         8-1   12-7      T B D                  15

12 Houston         8-1  11-2       T B D                   14

13 Oklahoma State   8-2 11-2    T B D                 13

14 Wake Forest       7-2 11-2     T B D                 12

15 San Diego State 7-2 12-3      T B D                11

16 Appalachian State 7-2 10-3    T B D               10

17 Army                            8-3 12-11 vs. Navy     9

18 Georgia           8-1 12-4  T B D                      8

19 Oregon           7-3 11-5   T B D                     7

20 W. Kentucky  7-2 8-5   T B D                      6

21 Kent State        6-3 7-6 T B D                       5

22 Iowa                 7-3 10-8 T B D                     4

23 Ole Miss           6-2 12-3 T B D                     3

24 Fresno State      6-2 11-3 T B D                    2

25 NC State          6-2 10-3 T B D                     1

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Top 10 Badisms in College Football Hiring

 I feel there have been key badisms that need to be addressed in College Football Hiring and or Retention.

The 1st is having to stiff the Blue Collar People and Dean Blevins and his Crew, and not making Los Angeles believe different that everyone is back to being involved in the Battle of Los Angeles again.

The 2nd is having to be On Road and go "U Up?" when you took a Different Job. The downer is that ruins Sports's Christmas by bolting Sports's Position for a Junk Pile.

The 3rd is having to say the Strength Coach, who is a Positive Fixture in the Baton Rouge Community, is told he's fired.

The 4th on that fixture is why LSU stayed LSU on Hours, is gonna cost you wins and your not Roy Williams!

The 5th is why you'd throw Special Money at Mel Tucker, James Franklin and Hugh Freeze, to deter other schools from ruining their futures.

The 6th is having to throw that $ in the 1st Place, but, letting a Religiously Unhealthy Position go take a Job Elsewhere.

The 7th is why the Turnover Chain Still Has a Job but Rod Carey Doesn't? This is a Problem where the Miami President doesn't have Manny Diaz's Back but is intent to destabilize the West even further.

The 8th is Not Finding True Assistants, for as much as you'd try, you know Deion Sanders is not going to pass the Credit Report.

The 9th is Not Pulling Enough Stories Out where Kansas does a St, Louis Run.


The 10th is Making Jerk Moves that make your School Look Worse than it really is.

Friday, December 3, 2021

Drag Race Bowl 2022 Initial Remark 12032021

 Without further ado, here is my Initial Drag Race Bowl Standings for 2022 and a lot of the standings are altered because of changes in Top Fuel and Funny Car.

1 Pro Stock Car Standings

1 Greg Anderson   16   -

2 Erica Enders      12  4

3 Dallas Glenn       8  8

4 Kyle Koretsky   4 12

2 Pro Stock Motorcycle Standings

1 Matt Smith     15 -

2 Angelle Sampey 11 4

3 Steve Johnson    7 8

4 Eddie Krawiec   3 12

3 Top Fuel Standings

1 Brittany Force  14 -

2 Mike Salinas    10 4

3 Clay Millican    6 8

4 Shawn Langdon 2 12

4 Funny Car Standings

1 Bob Tasca III 13 -

2 Cruz Pedregon 9 4

3 John Force 5 8

4 Alexis DeJoria 1 12

NHRA Fast 16 12032021

1 PSC Greg Anderson 16

2 PSM Matt Smith      15

3 TF Brittany Force 14

4 FC Bob Tasca III 13

5 PSC Erica Enders 12

6 PSM Angelle Sampey 11

7 TF Mike Salinas 10

8 FC Cruz Pedregon 9

9 PSC Dallas Glenn 8

10 PSM Steve Johnson 7

11 TF Clay Millican 6

12 FC John Force 5

13 PSC Kyle Koretsky 4

14 PSM Eddie Krawiec 3

15 TF Shawn Langdon 2

16 FC Alexis DeJoria 1

IndyCar Entry Standings 12022021

 This is my 1st IndyCar 2022 Standings of the Season and I wished that there'd be a Formal Top 25, but, that is not the case.

1 10-Alex Palou 25  -

2 2-Josef Newgarden 16 9

3 5-Pato O'Ward 14 11

4 9-Scott Dixon 12 13

5 26-Colton Herta 10 15

6 8-Marcus Ericcson 8 17

7 15-Graham Rahal 6 19

8 12-Will Power 5 20

9 27-Alexander Rossi 4 21

10 21-Rinus Veekay 3 22

11 3-Scott McLaughlin 2 23

12 4-Dalton Kellett 1 24

2022 Stock Car Challenge Entry Standings

 This will be my 2022 Stock Car Challenge Entry Standings and the remark is I try to think of having a Top 25 based on Owner Points, or returning Driver Remarks. Some of the Key Remarks that will change is Ganassi, Roush being a Single Owner, Petty being a North Carolina Owner of the 43 and that is the main ones.

1 5-Kyle Larson    50   -

2 19-Martin Truex,Jr. 48 2

3 11-Denny Hamlin 46 4

4 9-Chase Elliott 44 6

5 4-Kevin Harvick 42 8

6 12-Ryan Blaney 40 10

7 22-Joey Logano 38 12

8 18-Kyle Busch 36 14

9 24-William Byron 34 16

10 20-Christopher Bell 32 18

11 8-Tyler Reddick 30 20

12 48-Alex Bowman 28 22

13 10-Aric Amirola 26 24

14 34-Michael McDowell 24 26

15 3-Austin Dillon 22 28

16 23-Bubba Wallace 20 30

17 47-Ricky Stenhouse,Jr. 18 32

18 14-Chase Briscoe 16 34

19 99-Daniel Suarez 14 36

20 41-Cole Custer 12 38

21 7-Corey LaJoie 10 40

22 94-Ty Dillon 8 42

23 2-Austin Cindric 6 44

24 21-Harrison Burton 4 46

25 38-Todd Gilliand 2 48

Key Remarks Not Ranked:

1-Ross Chastain

6-Brad Keselowski

17-Chris Buescher

43-Erik Jones

45-Kurt Busch

I do the Top 25 Standings as a Remark of Who would Stick and I do have a Major Emphasis on Sticking  with the Same Thing from the Previous Year to the Next.

Needing People, Wanting People, and Not Getting People

 I feel the frustration that having to need people, want people, and not getting people is irritating. I feel where are another year away from having Decent Young Adults on the Job, and you can't rush Soul Food.

I feel that Politics would run into that problem, especially if they need someone to fix both Bad and Expensive Food like the Texas Baseball Rangers. I wish it was a bad joke, but it is not.

It is not a Bad Joke and it is very much akin to no one wanting to Work for the HBCU and instead, they are collecting the check for the HBCU and they where rightfully fired from their Previous Job or having to need to transfer from being a Student at the HBCU to Working for the HBCU.

No one ever said that Barry Switzer, Norm Hitzges and the Texaco where Good Memories. They where not. No one ever said that having to make people look good like Spin City was a Good Idea. Richard Kind played a More Harmless Equal to the Real Life Rudy Guiliani.

There is not anything amusing with Dr. Scarface or Dr. Apu because it would have been too easy like a Coin Toss. Bail Reform is not a Laughing Matter and both Injustices to Women and School Security light many of Family Tables worse than Politics.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

2900th Post: Freeing Up the Twin Ring in Montegi is a Bush Move

 I don't like the fact the Twin in the Twin Ring Montegi is freed up. It is a painful and necessary Bush Move. It haunts my nightmares that Montegi is just as useless as Texas World at this point.

Having to say Mobility Ring Montegi is just wrong. It is wrong because it is changing Regis Philbin and Kathie Lee Gifford. It doesn't have the same feel.

It is cold with an ocean of Sports Moves and Moves in General and not good moves. I wish I had Oregon over Florida State when Florida State was Undefeated at Home for Years and Senior Classes, but, I don't.

It is empty and necessary and not good.

The 43 is Now Las Vegas's!

 I feel that I take no pride in the 43 being now Las Vegas's and I find no joy in the fact the King being a Functioning Owner is left down to the Post-Bubba Wallace Baggage.

I would not find anything funny especially if GM needed Dale Jr. and Kelley Miller to be a Charlotte Principle or Co-Principle to keep away someone else should RCR turnover. I am not thrilled with the Turnover, either.

The principle is Sports Should be Fun and I would not want a Worse Off Version of an Infamous or a Problem that would cost us Tickets or Money. Our St. Louis Styled Bingo Board is Getting Fuller with Stuff we didn't see coming, and that is not good.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Is Oklahoma in their Butters Years?

 It is not flattering to call out Oklahoma in South Park Terms, or anyone in general, especially if I've made a Rent-Free Bad Habit of Calling Out Washington DC in South Park Terms. I think Oklahoma is doing the Butters Years greasy and not harmlessly, especially if it is their State's Pride, Joy and Toy, Oklahoma City Thunder included.

The tale is Butters would go after Girls and Women by being Sweet and Charming and in reality, Butters is not sweet and charming. Oklahoma Sooners Football is neither Sweet and or Charming like I'd hear yes Itchy and or Scratchy from Mom in High School.

I don't think this is going to help anything, especially if the grease deters Sooners Heroes that would have been True Life Working Man Heroes to Oklahomans in the Sooner State and Nationally. The grease would make Faculties out of Kansas Jayhawks and enable their St. Louis Run, and instead of Lawrence Phillips Dismissal, you'd have Collars and NDA's like DARVO was everyday normal behavior and the R would have been Racial instead of Reverse.

Mike Gundy won't stick to Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas and Texas A and M going back home later this decade, especially if the greasiness of his deanhood would have been Mad Real and I don't think Farley wants to be Division I's Dean when he can't hold an Alburnett Down when he'd have real National Championships circling the drains in the Calendar!

The grease would push the Target Run before the Target Run was Fashionable, and I don't think it helps the Wild West when Oregon is the Bird Chicken Man, Washington can't pull themselves together, Washington State doesn't have Character, and USC only is going to catch Chip Kelly doing Unethical Stuff and that would be before we'd have a Westwood Dome one of these days.

I don't necessarily want a Different Dog. That different dog will deter the NFL Playoffs and only egg on Buffalo to a Super Bowl Glory and that is not a good image, especially if it is harder to find Standing Buffalo Images because of .O.J. Reasons.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

No Sir, I Do Not Like My Plains Powers Falling Off!

 I feel that I am leveled that USC elected to go with Lincoln Riley after leaving Dean Blevins, the Sooner Hero in Oklahoma City Media hanging and crew in the Worst Kind of Way. I feel it is a merit of a Different Kind of Different Discussion in how Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and Texas A and M are falling off.

Nebraska in the least sense should be a Florida Bowl for their Problems, but, giving Illinois Freebies last Summer and making the Oasis Argument make the Countryside look Bush and Minor is not helping their cause. The core of the program is Antagonism and all of it is not healthy.

Kansas has thrown free the Collars, and I would love to see the Program actually do Functional Things for the Faculty instead of Bringing Shame. The truth is I would see a St. Louis Styled Run on the Prairie with the Way Things are Going.

Oklahomans are not going to like having a 25-30 Title Hex like a Prison Sentence and I feel that it would be an Unwelcome Return to the Mid 1990's as it would be a Chairbanks of a Nightmare in Sooner Lore.

Texas is not going to fire Sark at least this Calendar Year, but, the only good thing around Austin is having to free yourself Sark eventually. 

Texas A and M beats Alabama but doesn't have the discipline to beat LSU? That irritates me and I feel that the Chair would have been thrown more than once.

11282021 College Football Poll

 1 Cincinnati 8-0 12-1 12 Houston 25 +11

2 Louisiana  8-0  11-1  14 Appalachian State 24 +1

3 Oklahoma State 8-1 11-1 H vs. 15 Baylor 23 +10

4 UTSA               7-1 11-1 19 W. Kentucky 22 -3

5 Pitt                   7-1 13-2 H vs. 13 Wake Forest 21 +9

6 San Diego State 7-1 12-2      16 Utah State 20 -2

7 Georgia             8-0 12-3  H vs. 21 Alabama 19 +1

8 BYU                        11-3       T B D 18 -1

9 Michigan         8-1 11-4 H vs. 22 Iowa 17 NR

10 Utah             8-1 9-4 H vs. 18 Oregon 16 +9

11 N. Illinois    6-2 8-4 H vs. 20 Kent State 15 -3

12 Houston       8-0 11-1 @ 1 Cincinnati  14 -10

13 Wake Forest 7-1 11-2 A vs. 5 Pitt 13 -8

14 Appalachian State 7-1 10-2 @ 2 Louisiana 12 +1

15 Baylor                7-2 10-3 A vs. 3 Oklahoma State 11 NR

16 Utah State 6-2 9-3 @ 6 San Diego State 10 +1

17 Army                8-3 12-11 vs. Navy 9 -1 IDLE

18 Oregon      7-2 11-4 A vs. 10 Utah 8 -8

19 W. Kentucky 7-1 8-4 @ 1 UTSA 7 +1

20 Kent State 6-2 7-5 A vs. 11 N. Illinois 6 +2

21 Alabama 7-1 11-7 A vs. 7 Georgia 5 -3

22 Iowa 7-2 10-7 A vs. 9 Michigan 4 NR

23  Ole Miss 6-2 12-3 T B D 3

24 Fresno State 6-2 11-3 T B D 2

25 NC State 6-2 10-3 T B D 1 NR

Dropped Out:

9 Oklahoma 

11 Ohio State 

21 Wisconsin

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Permanent Nostalgia is Not Good!

 I don't want to yell at Pop Culture, but, it is a Public Service Announcement that Permanent Nostalgia is Not Good! I feel like I'd as a fan, have to replace emptily and expensively Tom Brokaw and Rachel Green Sized Holes in my Stomach and Culture with Empty Calories and Emptier Decisions.

I feel that I would still support Christina Aguliera out of my Own Pocket in the form of Reservations and Tickets if she came to town. I feel we have a different problem with more people than Videos and more people than choices to spend your Hard Earned Concert Money to.

I always think it is like Back Home and Mr. Meyer and having a lot of different directions to be pulled, especially when it is all you and no anyone else. I feel that the joy and the energy is nowhere to be found and I think Meta's Logo is Randy Marsh's Bouncy Balls after smoking too much Medical Marijuana.

We'd have too much Pot and not enough Focus, and people would breathe easier if there was not as much Smoke as the Land Before the Tobacco Settlement Agreement, if not more. It is dangerous and I would be livid about too many Entitled People running around.

And, having too many Entitled People, most of them, if not all of them, Male, shorts our In-Laws or Future In-Laws and changes our Family Trees Forever worse than Vietnam.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Barstool Still Wants To Party and Take the Ladies

 The problem with a Cooler Older Brother is that all he'd contribute is in Beer and Hotel Weekends. The problem is, Dave Portnoy is that Cooler Older Brother who'd do less Harmless stuff and either if it is Shopping or Going to Work, Barstool does not leave a Good Image.

It would be having Study Abroad never end in the worst way and it is Cold as Ice and generally, International Cultures are Educated and Female. Sadly, what it is is lies, Sexual Assaults, and Problems with Women.

Generally, those Women have Families and Friends and their Families and Friends don't want to be objectified by Weird Men. What Barstool does is cost people money, especially people who want to actually do Healthy Stuff.

Great things and great cultures are not always permanent, but, they lead to a More Permanent Place. I do like or appreciate Permanent Disruptions and those Subcultures that are allowed to get Violent and Unruly to Women and some of these things are Capital Trials if they where actually crimes.

On second thought, they are and I'd miss the Center of a Yes Sir, No Sir Culture.

Monday, November 22, 2021

I Miss "The Trust the Expulsion Process" Linn Mar!

I feel that Linn Mar is out of hand and I feel guilty that I miss "The Trust The Expulsion Process" Linn Mar! Where the "Trust the Expulsion Process" Linn Mar was where my Cousins where Big Lions and I was a Hammerin' Hawk or Little Lion and they did not take trash left and right.

Besides Politics is not good on the Family Table, you don't want to talk about Sex or the Collar on the Family Table. Sadly, we are unleashed and not in a Good Way, either.

This comes to me as a Citizen, not as the stereotypical we need Linn Mar to make a Deep Run to the UNI Dome in Football, or at least attempt to, and not hide my anger about that. It would be that one freeloading relative who gets fired and instead of looking for work because they are that toxic, they play Madden or NCAA all day on my Television.

It gets rougher as you don't have a Tangible ID that is Good. Jefferson has Kids that are Academically Ineligible Left and Right, but Linn Mar would be a Special Kind of Fury especially if you have Entitled Kids harassing the Gay Kids and that is getting out of control!

Enough is enough and I feel the Family Table drives me crazy and not in a good way, either! I know it is not socially acceptable to be enforcer, but, I can't have Kids run around like Cats and Dogs and Teen Pregnancy and Underage Drinking go Hand In Hand! 

Sunday, November 21, 2021

11212021 College Football Poll

 1 UTSA   7-0 11-0 11-27 @ N. Texas  25

2 Houston 8-0 10-1 11-27 @ UConn   24 +1

3 Louisiana 7-0 10-1 11-27 LA Monroe 23 +1

4 San Diego State 6-1 11-2 11-27 Boise State 22 +1

5 Wake Forest     6-1 10-2 11-27 @ Boston College 21 -3

6 Georgia            8-0 11-3 11-27 @ Georgia Tech 20

7 BYU                        9-3 11-27 @ USC 19

8 N. Illinois     6-1 8-3 11-23 W. Michigan 18

9 Oklahoma    7-1 11-4 11-27 @ Oklahoma State 17

10 Oregon       7-1 10-4 11-27 Oregon State 16

11 Ohio State 8-0 10-5  11-27 @ Michigan 15

12 Cincinnati 7-0 11-1 11-27 @ East Carolina 14

13 Oklahoma State 7-1 10-1 11-27 8 Oklahoma 13

14 Pitt 6-1 10-2 11-27 11-27 @ Syracuse 12

15 Appalachian State 6-1 9-2 11-27 Georgia Southern 11 

16 Army                        7-3 11-27 @ Liberty 10 +2

17 Utah State         5-2 8-3 11-27 @ New Mexico 9 -1

18 Alabama           6-1 10-4 11-27 @ Auburn 8 +2

19 Utah                7-1 8-4     11-26 Colorado 7 -1

20 W. Kentucky 6-1 7-4 11-27 @ Marshall 6 -1

21 Wisconsin     6-2 8-5  11-27 @ Minnesota 5 

22 Kent State    5-2 6-5  11-27 Miami (OH) 4

23 Ole Miss     5-2 11-3 11-27 @ Mississippi State 3 NR

24 Fresno State 5-2 10-3 11-27 @ San Jose State 2 

25 Baylor         6-2 9-3 11-27 Texas Tech 1 NR

Dropped Out:

23 SMU

24 Michigan State

Is Barstool Responsible For the Decline in Sports Radio?

 I'd feel that Barstool Sports and its trashy ilk are Responsible for a Decline in Sports Radio. It takes the Shock Jock Mentality of th...