Sunday, February 6, 2022

You Don't Want a Briles to be a Boss!

 There is a Problem with wanting a Briles to be a Boss, especially if you'd be living it up as if it was Mayberry, and if you spoke the truth, you'd be having to be Homeless or apply for assistance. The reality is, a Briles would keep their culture running at the expense of Everyday Women and the Women's Community.

You'd run into problems with Minority or Minority Females, and I'd kid about Mount Mercy being the Sacramento Kings of Small Colleges. Kidding or not, a Mount Mercy Girl would have me running harder than Craig James in the Pony Express.

Real Rehabs are Slow and Prodding, and you'd have to have a Lot of Patience and a Lot of Money for both. Trust me, there are a lot of people who have neither.

I'd feel mad that the Clintonian Behavior has been a Wash in these Underprivileged Areas because there are not jobs! If I was Athletic Director, I'd be wanting who is Assistant at Grambling before find Hugh "Ain't No Other Woman" Freeze, like Christina Aguliera wants any part of Lynchburg.

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