Thursday, February 10, 2022

It would be Dangerous to Replace COVID Shots With Viagra

 It would be Dangerous to Replace COVID Shots with Viagra and even though they are the Same Family, the ethical and legal ramifications would be too deep. We would not need a Lot of People, especially Males, live on the Live, Score and Be Happy Ethic.

We'd have enough people who'd be Problems in the Dating Scene and Problems if they re-entered the Dating Scene. We'd have enough people who can't do Medicine no matter what because they are Uninsured and Underinsured.

Either uninsured and underinsured because their job is not paying enough or uninsured and underinsured because they have No Job or Uninsured and Underinsured because they are Careless and Reckless.

If it was the 3rd Option, Medicine and Law Enforcement would be on the case in a big way. Medicare and Medicaid would have no parts of Viagra and the scary part, which all of it would be scary, is having to score Viagra like it was Street Drugs, which would nerve everyone.

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