Sunday, February 6, 2022

Bryan Harsin will set up Auburn for a Rough Decade

 I felt that Auburn was tired of Gus Malzahn and there was no Hurrying Up about it. But, Bryan Harsin's Home Run has been only felt in the Industrial Sense and I'd feel that the Other Things, including the Other Women, would fire up the NCAA.

I don't know about the next decade of the Iron Bowl, but, it won't be pretty. I'd feel that what is irritating is Alabama's Championship Run Faded like a Late 1980's High Top Fade, and Georgia's Championship was a little too much of a Happy Accident.

But, Auburn is not delivering! Arizona State's on Shakier Ground, Michigan is a One Hit Wonder, Hawaii needs 2 or 3 Years of Cleanup to Match 2021 Georgia, and Auburn has been marked by the NCAA since Cam Newton.

Auburn has been one of the All Time Greats as far as NCAA Trouble, but, most of the Central Plains is a One Woman, One Job Region or that would be a Full-On Scandal. This is a Nightmare that an Outsider would play with Needy Things like Bishop Sycamore happened to Birmingham instead of Columbus, and Birmingham has not had a Home Field Advantage for Years.

When I mean Home Field, I'd feel Freshman or Freshwoman to Senior and Beyond. For as much as Auburn is Bagging Everything like it is Kroger, but, I'd rather'd scream up and down like I was Ray Lewis or DMX just to max out a Cedar Rapids Jefferson instead of just being material and given things.

That would bother me.

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