Tuesday, March 1, 2022

I Wouldn't Hire Art Briles if I Was General Manager

 TESTING! Actually, this is not a Test! This is really eating me up about the fact I would not hire Art Briles if I was General Manager! What Briles would bring is having World Class Athletes who would be World Class Dogs, and I mean the DMX Kind.

Urban Meyer would always get players who'd be expelled from Society, not just School, and Barry Switzer's Players always have Problems with the Law. The truth is, Art Briles would be the Kind of Dude who'd love Australia or Vietnam so much he'd ignore the State Department's Pleas to Go Home.

Except, he'd be on the lam and unaccountable, like one of my Uncles. I feel if this was Grant Teaff's Baylor, I wouldn't be having as many problems. No, this is a Shattered Waco who fell Hook, Line, and Sinker for Art Briles like they wouldn't go Fishing unless they had to Eat.

Problem is, Waco is still a Place who wouldn't go Fishing unless they had to Eat. Art Briles is Captain Hook who wins at All Costs. His record of Boys Will Be Boys irritates me.

Or, Men Will Be Men.

I am Autistic and my book is still being written.

I'd hire the Stadium Janitor before Art Briles, especially if my Family's History of Injustices to Women has made my record Tawdry and Unclean. I don't want those people, as it wouldn't be the Football Things that wouldn't make me nervous, it is how Art Briles handles the Non-Football Things that would make me scared.

I'd only want the Stadium Janitor to save myself the Indignity of Angry Calls or Worse.

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