Wednesday, March 9, 2022

War of the Slimeballs

 I feel Nikita and Dmitry Mazepin and Gene Haas are locked in the War of the Slimeballs, and that is putting it mildly. I feel relieved that Gene Haas, a Slimeball Himself, did not sell his team to Dmitry Mazepin, Himself a Slimeball, and that would have riled up Biden's State Department.

The Slimeballs are hamming it up on the Back of the Grid and they are embarrassing the rest of us who love the Pinnacle of the Rich Man's Sport. What is a danger is the Mazepins are not Model Citizens.

I feel embarrassed to type this post, and Netflix has a Responsibility for Bending the Truth and Crossing Boundaries. I don't burn for another Grand Prix, and even if I did, I'd rather focus on the Racing.

The damage the Mazepins would pin Haas under is hard to come back from.

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