Friday, March 11, 2022

What Would Happen if the Waterloo Diamonds Happened Today?

 I feel an emptiness and an eeriness in Eastern Iowa Baseball without the Waterloo Diamonds 28 Years Later. I wanted a Cedar Rapids Kernels Super Summer to go through the Diamonds, for a Change of Venue.

I feel that a lot of my Baseball History is Love-Hate, even in a Love-Hate Time, and I feel the Cheap Seats where actually Cheap and Enjoyable for People's Actual Income. But, instead of the Mega Yacht, we came dangerously close to comfort, if not drew Over the Line like Dana Carvey.

Having Law Enforcement inform the Team that someone that shouldn't be selling beer actually did and worse, it was one of the many episodes in the Diamonds.

The Diamonds where not necessarily a Marketable Team and I even now, have read the Book and even wanted to see Minor League Baseball Expansion to deter relocation 

(Breaking News: It Did Not Happen!)

Would have they or the City of Waterloo had pushed over a Replacement for Creepy Old Riverfront? 

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