Tuesday, August 17, 2021

08172021 Commissioner's Classic Results

 Alabama 0-2 0 0 0 0-0 0-3

Clemson 0-2 7 0 7 7-21 1-2

Turning a National Championship Rivalry into a Texas Standoff would not be a Small Task, especially when neither have played each other On Campus Since 1975.

6 Florida 2-0 7 0 7 7-21 3-0

4 Iowa State 2-0 0 7 7 0-14 2-1

This would be the "Undefeated War", especially when it would be another Iowa State Named Trophy Rivalry to join the Coldcrush (Baylor), Thorn Bowl (TCU), Tornado Warning (Colorado), Telephone Trophy (Missouri) and Cy Hawk (Iowa) among others.

Arkansas 1-0 7 10 3 7-27 2-0

Oklahoma 1-1 0 0 0 0-0 1-2

2 SMU 2-0 7 10 7 3-27 3-0

  Texas 0-2 0 0 0 0-0 0-3

This would be "Actual Stranger Things" because I'd pile on Texas for not doing Texas Things that Matter.

Texas A and M 1-1 0 0 0 0-0 1-2

Fresno State 1-0 7 7 7 7-28 2-0

I'm still bothered that Texas A and M wouldn't focus on the Right Things under Jimbo, and that is a Problem

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