Wednesday, August 25, 2021

The 3rd Leg of the Secret Base Series Changed the NFL History

 The Atlanta Falcons had a Role in keeping the AFL Franchises Intact in the Early 1970's through the Anderson Plan, and I'd still want the Georgia Red Helmets and Jerseys Full Stop and the Grits Blitz Full Stop again. Jerry Glanville was not just one of their usual 1970's Shows that came to town, he came Full On like the Midnight Rider.

Jerry Glanville was the kind of person who'd reserve Tickets for Elvis, Buddy Holly and the Big Bopper. That would seem harmless in comparison , because he tried to be an Elvis Impersonator and a Winston Cup Series Driver. His handprints are still all over the Franchise.

Other than taking advantage of a Montana-less 49ers, the signature would be denying the Saints a Playoff Win Until 2000. A lot of the Aggressiveness and the Head Knocking like it was a Pro Football Equal of the East St. Louis Flyers are still there today.

There is reason why they don't play TLC at NFL Stadiums, because of the Late Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes. And in closing of the Video, it gave San Francisco One of the 2 Franchise Defining Infuriating Losses to this Day.

I'd can't wait for the Holder in the Beavis, Butthead, Holder and Bay of the NFC South and that would be the Carolina Football Panthers. Both their overlapping histories would include whaling on the Great San Francisco 49ers for their Division Championships, having the Most Dominating NFC Championships Without a Super Bowl, and being the Only 2 NFL/NFC Legacies out of 18 Without a World Championship of Any Kind.

Even though there has been a Playoff Meeting with the Bay in Tampa Bay, but the tie with the current Tampa Bay Buccaneers has been the fact Tristan Wirfs's Real Life Birthday was how the Minnesota Vikings just lost it.

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