Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Trevor Bauer Will Go to Trial Before He is Allowed to Mount a Comeback!

 As a Public Service Announcement, Trevor Bauer will go to Trial before he is Allowed to Mount a Comeback! I'd think he'd try to sue to win his Freedom and his Career back, a la Darrell Alderman, but, he is not going to be successful.

It would be dangerous to believe that Trevor Bauer would always not be off Law Enforcement's Radar. It would be another Denny McLain, except a lot more Hot Tempered and a Lot Less Manageable and Coachable. 

I'd feel what should be Commissioner Manfred's Responsibility to Baseball is employing Good People. I don't think Commissioner Manfred would be capable of such Late Model Friends Aisha Tyler Casting.

I feel that Trevor Bauer would not mount a Good Defense, he would try to be Defensive, especially if his life is on fire. The biggest mistake that anyone could do is have him go Free until something else happens and everything else goes off again.

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