Thursday, August 5, 2021

Can't the League Shut Down the Deshaun Watson Trade?

 The Philadelphia Eagles have not hid from a Mid 1970's Baltimore Colts, a Post Ice Bowl Green Bay Packers and 1999 Dallas Cowboys Teenage Wasteland that still eats up North Texas. I feel the League has to owe a Right to Shut Down the Deshaun Watson Trade, because nothing would be gained by Jalen Hurts being a Hurt Locker and Philadelphia would get nothing back for their troubles.

Deshaun Watson's Criminal Case is an active Criminal Investigation and a lot of that docket would be coming out of Harris County. I feel all options should and would be on the table, because the heat the Eagles took for taking Michael Vick literally seconds out of Prison is too much.

I am not seeing the Beasts of the East and I'd think Dallas being Undefeated to the Super Bowl would carry more weight than before like it was McDonald's at the Olympic Village and being a Civilian, too, and I feel that I am not okay with the Flagship Division being smoking hot trash.

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