Monday, August 2, 2021

There isn't a Loyal Butters in Kansas!

 I feel that the South Park theory of the Loyal Butters does not apply to Kansas and Kansas State. If Kansas left for the Big 10, with Iowa State, we would formally be cheated out of NCAA Tournament Grade of Games like we didn't see that already! I am thinking Iowa State would be a Big Ten and the next move that would likely happen would be a Member War between Notre Dame and West Virginia.

The likelier move would be the Fighting Irish because the Mountaineers still hate Michigan because of the Year Beilein and Rich Rod left town for Michigan. It would rattle the sabers in ACC Territory as the Mountaineers running mate would be Temple, thereby eliminating the American Athletic Conference Northeast Membership in the Process.

I would think Baylor, Oklahoma State, TCU and Texas Tech would be scooped up by the Pac 12, all because Texas was missing Money and Oklahoma was too nice to go along with the Loyal Butters Theory.

Speaking of too nice, that would push Kansas, Kansas State and Wichita State to the Mountain West, and I don't know if the Member Push would transfer from the American to the Mountains, should Football be Reinstated at Wichita State?

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