Thursday, August 12, 2021

The State is Wildly Unaware of its Actions

I feel we are way too excited about the State Fair and I mean, way too excited! I feel that having to "Isle of MTV" this Red Hot Summer Away would lend to aftershocks on and off hours the rest of the year. Some of the things, among others, is letting Jeff Nock, Nate Boulton, Nick Caracci,Jr. and Dave Jamison run wild and free instead of having to be bailed into Prison!

It would be too easy to say someone is a Savage, but, having to be at the end of your rope and say, "YOU! ARE! A! SAVAGE!" like the Words and Tempers are getting shorter is something else. I feel a lot of things our Governor has not been able to defend, like Clinton and Burlington's Minor League Baseball Membership, or being indifferent to the Crows of Newton, and being indifferent enough that Local Ownership can't save the day.

This is the End of Summer where we've lost it twice this Decade and it is not pretty. We couldn't force anyone to learn just to avoid Dead-End Jobs, and I don't mind the differences, but, I'd have a Problem with those who'd have Problems with Women hogging hard earned money.

Our State is Putting On the Drunk in the Drunken Narcolepsy and earning it, too. I feel that what hurts is not having to make money for our Outstanding Bills and that is irritating. The Prison Problems are keeping Jobs and Decent People from Relocating to Our Great State.

I wouldn't want Kids taking care of my Mom and Dad when they get into Ill Health and that is what we are getting.

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