Friday, August 13, 2021

Statute of Limitations and Repaid With Interest!

 I feel most people are not even trying to not earn their positions and that irritates me! I feel the one thing that irritates me in programs that wear the Old Gold is they generally cop out and use the Yellow Gold instead of the Old Gold.

We here in Eastern Iowa started that and that Bad Habit has changed Sports in a Bad Way and only Stuck Sports in Sports Marketing. The headaches in the Family Table is just way too much.

I think that the Statute of Limitations are a Gift and a Curse. This is not the Fab Five and not how Rural Americans view Sports! Sports really need a Hip Replacement, amid other things, and trust me, they do.

I'd sense the Interest would be the fact I would want to spend my Hard Earned Money on what I'd want to Spend. I usually am anchored and held down by custom and tradition, but, the guilt is Elvis has done left the building again.

Without Elvis, things do get dangerous and for a myriad of Good Reasons. We are more wobbly than we are Self Confident and I feel we wouldn't get everyone tomorrow, but, I feel a sense of who is asking the Dallas Carter Questions and are they being asked in time?

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