Saturday, August 14, 2021

Most People Would Be More Interested in Getting High than Solving High Major Problems!

 I feel that in Public Health, we have had plenty of warnings about Medicare and Medicaid needing to be buttoned down and be made lean and mean like having Hospital and Doctor Care Only, among others. I feel that most medicine is in a Code Mark Donohue, especially if your a Certain Age or Auto Racing Fan, means NOT GOOD!

We are not having to deal with Swede Savage or Darrell Gwynn! I feel most people would be more interested in Getting High than Solving High Major Problems, and that smells! You can't get or keep In-Laws if you want to be pushy for status, especially when the Status Quo is not working.

I feel the fact we'd have High Major Markets coming down to No ICU's and that is Major Markets. I don't find that the last thing we'd need when we'd have to save someone's life is having to keep a Trauma Doctor or ICU on Standby.

The problem with too many people being High is I can't yell "I Command A Drug Test!" without someone getting Violent about it. Demand would be too easy, but, Command would be taking things up too far.

The things that would smack or hit different is that losses would be too common and we'd go into Debt having to get everything we want. I would see nothing but Swiss Cheese Sized Holes in the Cradle to the Grave Ethic.

I think the worst thing some of these Dudes, not all of them, want is Women! That would be messy and provocative right there, and we are not in a Bad Bar or even a Club Culture. The Status Quo hasn't worked and is not interested in Working, either.

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