Thursday, August 5, 2021

Why is it So Much Bad Politics is Criminally Fashionable?

 I feel that Biden, Trump, Desantis and Cuomo are all making so much bad politics criminally fashionable and why is it so much bad politics is criminally fashionable? To be fair, not only it is not good, it is creepy.

I feel that it is pulling teeth having to pull a Balanced Budget Amendment when Prison Overcrowding is the Law. The worst thing in having to throw money at people's homes is if people get sick, they'd tie up the Hospital and we'd be down to Urgent Care Doctors and Nurses and Doctor's Office Doctors and Nurses.

This is not quite the "PTA Disbands" and we'd have to pluck anyone to be Doctor. I wouldn't want that because Problem Solving couldn't be forced, it is all too hard like a Bad Joke, and I'd want to give Christmas Gifts.

Fauci has to be Out of Pocket like a Scumbag Justin and his Equally Scumbag Brother I had to work with and I was Work Studying. I am mad that I don't get things for free, and the Wheels on the Bus keep Falling Off and I can't always repair them.

We'd have accountability problems with this President, and as the years roll on, we need to be better than TOTALLY WASTED! Or, having to write an Adult Version of Dr. Seuss while being Slammed-I-Am!

I don't mind the Free Beer, but, if it is the Violence, Sexual Violence or the Binge Drinking, that is another story. I feel that it is "Who Dat?" like J. Cole's 1st National Anthem and everyone seems to pop up when you don't want them to.

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