Saturday, August 21, 2021

Minnesota's Worst Decade Still Affects their Sports!

 I'd pin the tail on the Horse why how Minnesota's Worst Decade still affects their Sports. If the Trade, which to a Minnesota Man and his Family, there is only one trade, the Herschel Walker Trade, did not happen, chances are that Buffalo would at least have a Couple Championships. It still is the gift that keeps on giving, and the gift at the time was the Fact Jerry Jones bought the Dallas Cowboys from America to make up for the Clint Murchison-Bum Bright Follies that wore out Texas and America.

The Most Recent Championship of any Minnesota Pro Sports Team was the Twins and the Tomorrow Night Season was not Phoned In. It was earned.  The North Stars seeing the Penguins win the Stanley Cup on their Ice and put a Dynasty on at their Expense later only made the Minnesota Man and his Family angrier.

And then, what happened next was Norm Green, who was the hero of the 1984 Ticket Drive to save the Twins forever, started to drop hints on where to move their Still Beloved and Still Dearly Missed Minnesota North Stars. Other than dropping a theory that Alan Eagleson had culpability that he'd be responsible for depriving us the Nordiques, North Stars, and Whalers and giving their Latter Days a Stanley Cup, this doesn't go over well with Minnesotans who still view the North Stars as more of "Their" Team than the Golden Gophers.

And then, you had the most emotionally charged Super Bowl in the history of Super Bowls in the Metrodome as some of the Major Indian Tribes wrote the beginning of the end of the Washington Redskins era, which was merely a scribe for years. The Twins where charging hard for a Back to Back in 1992, and Norm Green Sucks! became a staple in Minnesota Ice Hockey Rinks.

1993 had the North Stars last playing on NHL Ice, The Flood of 1993, The Green Bay Packers inundating their State like no one else did before or since, and having to save the Minnesota Timberwolves from being the 2nd Move of 1993 against the Twin Cities, along with Cheers closing, which KARE was one of the Bigger Cheers dials. Reality hurt like a Sieve and Nirvana changed the Family Friendly Aura of the Twin Cities irreversably.

The Baseball Strike not only nearly ended the Twins, nearly caused them to be relocated, and we would have never, ever gotten Target Field in the First Place. Bud Selig was only not only wanting to merely end the Twins and the lone affordable Pro Sports Family Entertainment Option in the State, but wanting to punish them instead for being bad.

Other than Kevin Garnett being a Galvanizer and a Lightning Rod for Minnesota Timberwolves and Basketball, the fact he was lightning in a jar was not lost to the more Academic Sports Fans. The Golden Gophers Football Team being well known as a true Bad Team was well known way beyond the Town Lines.

Losing Blaine Johnson while in the Winston Drag Racing Top Fuel Points Lead and having to hate Tony Schumacher for his Upset Run and Subsequent Rise was not mutually exclusive. It was fact. And, it'd skinned the Old Capital and their Winter Hex disproportionate when the Golden Gophers became the Best Non Hockey Team in State History and later pissed that away due to Academic Fraud and the University of Minnesota's Relationship with the Inner City has not recovered since.

Of the few things Gary Bettman has done right like Hardee's is having to keep his Word, Bond, and Obligation to the Twin Cities and Minnesota. Of the great days in Twin Cities Sports History, NHL Hockey Returning in 1997 had to be one of the Greater Days. There was no Tim Dwight for Hines Ward when everyone in Atlanta wanted Hines Ward to be the next Bulldog to Falcon switch, but,they got what hamstrung the Vikings from Championships:The Best Player Available.

That best player available was Randy Moss and only some unexplainable circumstances that still involves getting mad enabled the Falcons to the Road to All Time Greatness, in spite of having 2 No Phone In Victories over the Full Season End of the Montana-Young-Rice San Francisco 49ers era. The unavoidable was the Academic Fraud, which is literally all over town, and the Dallas Stars, the latter day version of the beloved North Stars, winning the Stanley Cup.

After all these years, everyone else has gotten a new thing, but, Auto Racing hasn't gotten anything new in the Twin Cities, especially when they should be Professionalism. The Philly Special happened in the Twin Cities and I'd feel rotten that it was a High School Play and not the Ministry of Defense or Wolverine Dawkins who was the hero. It would be 30 Years Since Tomorrow Night, and lot of their Sports Scene couldn't get out of their own way.

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