Friday, August 20, 2021

If We are Going to Take an Annual Kickoff Classic or Annual Kickoff Classic Series Seriously...

 I feel that of one of the things that should have been addressed, if not yelled at sooner, which I would have nothing more than being below ESPN 2 Airwaves as far as National Television is Concerned, especially if that having First Thing in the Morning to Last Thing Late at Night, or even having to redistribute some of these airwaves.

I'd feel in an omnibus, which people will fight,especially if it is the thing we hate, is if we are going to take an Annual Kickoff Classic or an Annual Kickoff Classic Series Seriously, I would think that what is actually missing is what people want to see.

Most of the Kickoff Classic Series ran its course by the time most of my peers went to College, and having to maneuver Beamerball into a True Kickoff Classic Weekend to make up for the Lightning Round. 

When it was the Kickoff Classic, it was a 1 in 4 for Kickoff Classic Eligibility and they couldn't use it to get out of a Postseason Ban or be in or coming out of a Postseason Ban. The unintended likelihood in the Kickoff Classic or the Annual Kickoff Classic Series Seriously would mean everyone would try to Hawaii Schedule One More Game to Make up for 1 Less Non Conference Game.

I feel compensating for the UW Whitewaters, Clemsons, Alabamas, and North Dakota States are not lost on me. I would think as a Fan, I would see some leeway, like having to have the College Football Alliance handle things that shouldn't be up for grabs, and we have had 12 Games Wholly Most Years Since 2006.

I am wanting to remark to death, and then some, especially if it is harder to steal, and that would be a problem. I would sign off on Indiana's End of the Kentucky and Tennessee Series and actually wanting to see a Revival Barrel, a Combination of 2 Kentucky Trophies, but, it would be hard to just approve willy nilly.

Later this decade, I think chances are having to go to a Hard 7 or 8 Game Regular (Non Conference Championship) Remark Regular Conference Slate and it would be hard to talk over people's heads, even though they are College Alumni. I'd think if we where to go take the Kickoff Classic or the Annual Kickoff Classic Series Seriously, I feel we are stuck on Oasis where we are so back and forth that we'd need the 3rd Party act as a Soundboard, or show some decent concern as a Soundboard.

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