Thursday, August 5, 2021

Where is the Loyalty in My DNA?

 Generally, Pabst Blue Ribbon's are viewed angrily by those who seriously want to have a Beer. I feel Tony Khan giving Pabst Blue Ribbon their Biggest Plug in Years in TV Time when Domino's had every right to Legal Counsel Out is sickening.

I would not like to see my Biggest Star hide his weed and still look stoned out his rear. I feel that with regards to Kendrick Lamar, where is the loyalty in my DNA?

It sure is not in my RNA, either, and I feel that freeing up Cody Rhodes should be classier because you don't mess around with Senior Leadership, you don't mess around with Solid Senior Leadership,which Kenny Omega and the Young Bucks aren't and you don't mess around with not being treated seriously like an actual adult.

I am happier that The Acclaimed didn't pop out of my TV like a Kool Aid Man, and I swear those guys are Antoine Dodson compared to Ludacris. If the Acclaimed popped out of my TV like the Kool Aid Man, I would have been livid!

I feel that compared to WWE, they are not pushing the Safe Route. But, I feel they are running around Jacksonville with the Safety Off. And, it is So Early in the Morning with No Social Skills and No Social Interactions.

If it is Season 6 and AEW is still pissing off Sponsors and is a Bigger Budget TNA, the writing is on the Wall and I don't think some of these Characters High School Plays will go over smooth with Punk and his Summer School and Daniel Bryan, either.

What would we get if and when we get a Player 3 and all the General Managers would have painfully high or heightened turnover?

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