Tuesday, June 30, 2020

I Would Feel Like Having A Fall to Fall National Championship of College Football

I would feel like having a Fall to Fall National Championship of College Football. I would want to keep things consistent and constant. My first poll will be August 1st and I would have Missouri potentially be Preseason Favorite.

The reason I would have Missouri as Preseason Favorite because it would mean a lot more to Mid Missouri to Upset Oklahoma at Gaylord OU Memorial Stadium. I feel like this is not a Name Liking/Name Hating Issue, but, this is a White Whale Upset Opportunity.

It would be 41 Days to that forementioned Season Premiere. I stand on my word and hold true to my Word. If it was After the New Year, I would want to tell you about having either a Division I or a College Football the Sport National Championship.

I would feel like in analog, I would shriek at False Hope and I am not selling you, my Fellow American False Hope. What I love the most is having to bank on Major Upsets and I would love to show you, my fellow blogger and fan, my work.

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