Friday, June 26, 2020

If We Didn't Have Corporate America, We Would be in a Scarier Place than we are now

I would be a pulse if we didn't have Corporate America and the scary thought is if we didn't have Corporate America, we would be in a scarier place than we are now. The reality right now is hurtful and bothersome and if we didn't have anyone to offer anything just to offer anything, it would be very much a scarier Halloween and we are not in that time of year.

I am almost wanting to push having to pop apart the Unemployment Rolls just so that they would not be overcrowded. But, in reality, we'd be sweating out a Workfare and we would have no incentive to raise or hire new or pay more other than it being an obligation or an ordeal.

I would get mad if conditions would be less than ideal and a lot of people would be that way. The problem is a good amount of people would be that way and not in a good way, either and I would feel that if you are a rotten employee, why are you expecting to move on up?

It becomes an illness without an end and to top it off, the crabbiness and the entitlement would get out of control. I would write these posts to have an easier and cheaper way than Spam and that and relationships would get expensive, and I don't think there is the same joy if you didn't start from scratch.

I would feel like my Callout Reflex would be earned and not just Stevie Fast. I would feel like genuinely, we are pulsed and there are people who would take advantage of it, especially with a Rotten Father's Day.

And, trust me, it was rotten and even for someone who'd want to reinforce Law and Order, it was rotten. I know it would be not be Christmas or New Year's, but, the days that make all of the other days are not a good way to hang your hat.

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