Sunday, June 21, 2020

Ian and JC Rotten are not Worth Your Admiration

I feel like for today's posts, I have done a Collar Call Out and 2 Near Miss Loss Posts. I am still on my case this Father's Day and I am pinning the tail on Ian and JC Rotten and their trash promotions, IWA Mid South Wrestling and Pro Wrestling Trainwreck.

They are not worth your admiration and I am sure by the time the Top Promotions actually get to Arena Shows, they will have new talent. I am thinking because it is 1 Year Since the New Albany Incident from Pro Wrestling Trainwreck is ripe in people's memories where it was so bad even fans got AIDS Tested in the Process.

I feel this is not a good guinea pig to restart crowds. It would be having instead of an Ex-Con, you have someone or someones running wild like an actual Icon. The Rottens business strategy is equally rotten and I believe if a gal says her Mom is watching more than once, it is a real problem.

It goes counter to the argument Fun's Fun until it is not. It actually is worse, and you don't have or get good Medical Staff to get or receive key tests and this is a big joke, except it is not funny. I would like to know in detail how much of the Original ECW's Roster's Medical Problems would go like it was WrestleMania VI.

This Quarter we have some of the ugliest days in Pro Wrestling History, and I mean THIS QUARTER! It would make me mad for real because they have not handled a captive audience well, and I find no humor in having to tape and keep taping like it was a Car that Kept Running.

They have had problems with their Clubhouses before and not being transparent and it is one of the many side effects of being dull and edgy just to be that way.

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